2019-12-08 11:43 PM
I can enable git in Atollic TrueStudio by setting Customize Perspective.
Solved! Go to Solution.
2019-12-09 1:30 AM
In STM32CubeIDE go to the menu "Help->Eclipse Marketplace..." and then look out for and install "EGit - Git Integration for Eclipse"
After installed, when you right click on the project to see the project properties, you can find the menu entry "Team" which contains the Git stuff.
2019-12-09 1:30 AM
In STM32CubeIDE go to the menu "Help->Eclipse Marketplace..." and then look out for and install "EGit - Git Integration for Eclipse"
After installed, when you right click on the project to see the project properties, you can find the menu entry "Team" which contains the Git stuff.
2019-12-09 1:41 AM
Johnny is correct, if you install Git from the marketplace it will show up. However, you can also start CubeIDE with -unhideTeamSynchronizing if you prefer.
2019-12-09 5:24 PM
Now, I know about the use of git.Where can I learn about TeamSynchronizing?thanks.
2019-12-10 12:45 AM
I think this is the wrong forum to discuss about the basics of version control and team work. Maybe start here: https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials
2020-10-21 2:27 AM
Hello! I would like to "reactivate" this old discussion. I ran into some problems regarding CubeIDE and git.
As already recommended I installed EGit intor CubeIDE 1.4.2.
I could git-commit and git-push it to our sever, so that colleagues may also work on the project.
When they import the project with the File->Import->Projects from Git the project seems to import properly and can also be compiled.
But invoking the cube configurator and changing some mcu settings on my colleagues IDEs completely destroys their project. Mostly it deleted the src folder of the project during updating the code after saving the .ioc file.
Does anybody have a working setup of CubeIDE + git?
2021-01-23 9:00 AM
Don't try EGit with stm32CubeIDE version 1.5.1, it kills the whole IDE!!!
I tried to install it and after restart no Git stuff inside the team menu.... I then decided to uninstall to re-install but after the uninstallation of the plugin nothing was working anymore in the IDE... no more possible to compile, no more possible to launch the MX interface.
Finally i have been forced to uninstall the entire CUBEIDE.
Warning, stay away...
2021-01-29 11:38 PM
I can confirm that. I have only recently switched to STM32CbeIDE. I thought I would install a few plugins. EGit has left the IDE completely non-functional.
2021-02-01 1:12 AM
Other than previous posts - With CubeIDE 1.5.1 I finally got EGit working.
Here are some comments/findings I made:
CubIDE in general (maybe related to macOS):
Hopefully these comments could help someone.
2021-02-19 7:32 AM
Hmm, I am a newbie to STM32Cube as well, but so far I am fairly impressed, by the professional architecture of this IDE. So I tend to believe, that we must do something wrong.
I discovered, that the GIT integration changes the project structure. This is, what the project looked like before connecting it to the GIT:
And this is, what it looks like afterwards:
Dont really understand why it moves the independent projects for the two different cores unter one project.
Hope anybody can advice!