2023-01-22 1:43 PM
I was previously able to use Clang-format in my STM32CubeIDE environment by using the CppStyle plug-in, but CppStyle seems that it's no longer available in the STM32CubeIDE Marketplace. After a recent update, I am unable to use this feature. I have checked the settings and the path to the executable file, but everything seems to be in order. I am not sure what went wrong and I am unable to use this feature anymore. I would really appreciate it if someone could help me troubleshoot this issue and find an alternative way to get Clang-format working again in my STM32CubeIDE environment, especially by using the CppStyle plug-in.
I followed the steps provided on the website https://github.com/wangzw/CppStyle to install the CppStyle software, but I was unable to successfully install it. Can anyone help me troubleshoot this issue and assist me in installing the CppStyle software in my Eclipse environment?