2022-03-25 6:41 AM
2022-03-25 6:47 AM
Welcome, @EKoua.1, to the community!
the communication to the DHT22 has already been discussed, e.g. here.
Good luck!
2022-03-25 8:16 AM
Thank you @Peter BENSCH! Can you please also help me with the using of DS18B20 on the stm32f303re?
Best regards
2022-03-25 11:35 PM
2022-03-28 10:52 AM
Hello everyone,
Thank you all for your answers! I have tried them, but it doesn'nt work on my stm32f303re.
I don't know what i did wrong. If you have any other advices just link me here please.
Thanks and best regards