2020-08-18 4:56 PM
2020-08-18 6:11 PM
Double click the .IOC file in the project.
2020-08-18 6:11 PM
Double click the .IOC file in the project.
2020-08-18 6:45 PM
thanks very much TDK.
but now i am muddled ...
in the top right there is the MX icon which goes to the same place you point to
which is the CubeMX perspective, no?
CubeMX is the pinout and timing graphical setup, yes?
under Code Generator i am getting only the code generator page
with no button or page to actually generate code.
dismissing this page [the CubeMX page gives me the project page
with file on the left, editor in the centre.
i am going to uninstall and reinstall to try and get the behaviour which
i recall from the first use of the IDE. it's a bit of a trick when things seem
to move and change behind one's back :-))
2020-08-18 7:13 PM
> which is the CubeMX perspective, no?
> CubeMX is the pinout and timing graphical setup, yes?
Correct on both points. CubeMX is a standalone program but they've integrated it into STM32CubeIDE for convenience.
> under Code Generator i am getting only the code generator page
> with no button or page to actually generate code.
After editing the pinout or making other changes, save the IOC file (File -> Save). Then select Project -> Generate Code from the menu to regenerate the code.
You can also right click the IOC file to regenerate code.
2020-08-18 7:34 PM
i think it is probable that i am muddled between the IDE and CubeMX interfaces.
at this stage i think i will just have to accept things as they are
and learn more about both applications with use.
your original response was just the thing and gives a firm place to start.
2020-08-18 8:03 PM
thanks again for your concise teaching
it is very much appreciated.
2020-08-18 8:09 PM