2022-09-13 12:01 AM
since the G491 was the last awailable chip to buy we built a board containing that µC.
We use KEIL IDE usually but STMCubeIDE shows a similar message when trying to debug the program:
"Break at address "0x1fff4e48" with no debug information available, or outside of program code."
In both IDEs the debugger doesn't work.
Can anybody helb me?
Is more information necessary?
Sincerely, Rahul
2022-09-13 2:41 AM
Hello @Community member and welcome to the Community :)
Check the optional bytes, and BOOT0 pin.
The option can be found in STM32CubeProgrammer -> Option bytes -> User Configuration
Check also in the AN2606, bootloader activation pattern for for STM32G491.
When your question is answered, please close this topic by choosing Select as Best. This will help other users find that answer faster.
2022-09-13 3:45 AM
Hello Imen,
thank you for your reply.
We use PB8/BOOT0 as I²C-SCL - so there is an pull-up of 4k7 ohms connected.
The AN I will at later.
2022-09-13 5:47 AM
Check if BOOT0 is pulled low.