2021-03-29 11:54 PM
Sorry,I really want to curse the CubeIDE/CubeMX development team�?�?�?�?�?�?�?
Because of you, the results of my work are gone three times�?�?�?�?
Not Once,Not Twice ,It is Three,Three,Three�?�?�?�?�?�?
For the first time, I thought I deleted it by mistake.
The second time, I thought my hard drive was broken.
For the third time, I found out that it was CubeIDE!!!
I searched on Google for a long time, and found that other people encountered it, but I didn’t give a solution. It just said it was a BUG. The next version was corrected. Believe it or not, I believe it anyway.
Almost a year has passed, and I found that this is still the case. I have used a lot of IDEs, Only CubeIDE will delete my files. And why not fix it, why?
This time, I have time to find why,.and finally found out that it was caused by clone the project. For example, copy the OBJ_A folder and rename it to OBJ_B, CubeIDE opens OBJ_B, open the ioc file, and modifies some things in CubeMX. Regenerate, Oh Yeah, at the moment of witnessing the miracle, the Core\Src folder in OBJ_A is gone. Like girlfriend who abandoned me, disappeared forever。
The solution is so simple: after copying, delete the .mxproject MX project file in OBJ_B.
CubeMX will recreate it when you open ioc file.
God, for such a simple question, why not fix it soon? Is it difficult to judge the path before opening it? Moreover, even if the path is wrong, why do you delete my files, if you want to delete them, why not put it to the recycle ?Why?
Don't ask me why I want to copy the project, why not create a new one, I have a lot of configuration, can I do it again? Other IDEs can, why not your CubeIDE?
My sincere regards! ! !
抱歉,我真的想问候一下CubeIDE / CubeMX开�?�团队�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?
这一次,我有空了,�?�了实验,终于�?�现了,是�?制项目造�?的,例如:OBJ_A 文件夹直接�?制一个,�?新命�??为OBJ_B, CubeIDE 打开OBJ_B,打开ioc文件,CubeMX中修改一些东西,�?新生�?,duang,�?�?奇迹的时刻,OBJ_A中的Core\Src文件夹没了,就�?抛弃你的女朋�?�,永远消失了。
解决办法也简�?�,就是�?制完,删除OBJ_B中的.mxproject MX项目文件。
2021-03-29 11:59 PM
My CubeIDE Ver:1.6.0
Now:3.30 2021 ,Hope you guys fix it soon,TKS�?
2021-03-31 11:29 PM
Good finding ! Would help @STM_support.
Then I guess .mxproject is not useless .... Such is Device Configuration tool metadata. Removing them may leading to extra pain ... especialy if asking at a point to perform some project update if revisiting some IP setting or ... Such .metadata are kind of memory of project life history ... loosing it may have drawbacks.
Instead remove it maybe better to keep it but to rework it. I.e. doing project clone let's patch such file especialy updating absolute path ...
Myself always careful about hacking / removing metadata ... such are never useless and as end users we are not aware of they are serving product behavior ...
Another way to do being safer I guess is:
1) you're intending to clone your project so called "myProject1"
2) copy (Thanks favorite explorer or ...) your current project to "myProject1_temp"
3) Thanks IDE rename "myProject1" to "myProject2" .... please notice here project renaming is propagated to .ioc file name and content AND .mxproject file content
4) Back to your favorite explorer rename "myProject1" to "myProject2"
5) Back to your favorite explorer rename "myProject1_temp" to "myProject1"
6) Within IDE refresh project explorer (F5 key) and import "myProject1"
I may agree all such is not so user friendly but fact based neither Eclipse vanilla nor STM32CubeiDE promote project clone feature ...
2021-04-01 12:16 AM
2021-04-06 7:18 PM
TKS for your reply.
In my project,when I open .ioc file in CubeIDE,the .mxproject will be recreated,and everything is OK。
And We can also manually modify the wrong path in the .mxproject file,instead of deleting it。
2021-04-06 7:28 PM
I use Git and SVN。
CubeIDE delete not my current working project,but the original project,when i feel wrong,someting not commit is gone。
2021-04-07 6:56 AM
i found this thread, because STM32CubeIDE deleted nearly all my src-folders during i try to export my projects into a zip file for backup. Didn't believe it until i found several threads including this one reporting this bug.
Be aware! You only have to open the project and try to export it and you will loose all your .c-files in the src folder. You don't have to recompile or edit the project!
Really a nightmare!
Thanks ST!
2021-04-08 2:30 AM
Can you be more specific? I use CubeMx 1.6.0 and the installed CubeMX 6.2.0 RC3 and I follow what you did. I mean I try to export in a zip archive one of my opened projects. I check to be all the folders marked and then I archive them. After that, I check the newly made archive and everything was there (.c files, .h files etc.).
Really I do not understand what are you guys trying to do?
Example given:
My project
Exported archive:
Src folder content:
Inc folder content:
All of them are identical with coresponding files in my project. So, no problems at all.
2021-04-08 10:04 AM
Please concatanite this topic with
2021-04-08 10:22 AM
Ok, people who don't have a problem have no complaints. People aren't complaining about things working as expected.
If the tools' not deleting your work that's great, for you, it doesn't really help diagnose the failing case.
However when the tools does delete things due to some corner conditions or broken logic, everyone has a bad day...
When the chance of failure is in the ppm, you give it to a few hundred million people, you're likely to see a few fail.