2019-11-28 1:31 PM
Is this a bug in the tool or I don't understand how to tweak it?
Debugging a bootlolader and app. image on a single core H743 or H753.
The bootloader sits in bank1, sector 0 and the "application" in sector 1.
When I begin to debug the bootloader, the debugger erases sector 1 as well as sector 0.
In Atollic, I could write something into sector 1 and it stayed intact.
Each of images is well under 128K.
In the link script I defined size of FLASH as 128K, and then even as 120K.
So I resorted to flashing two images in one debug config, as explained by Marcus for dual core H7 in AN....
I had to put the sector 0 image (botloader) first, then the sector 1 image, though I debug the bootloader. Then it lets me to keep both images.
I'd like it to be as in Atollic: just do not erase more than needed.
Or, is somewhere a hidden option to control erase?
-- pa