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Cube IDE started behaving erratically and the program is auto starting once debug is hit.


I've had a Cube project running for a weeks on a board and it's started behaving really weirdly.

It started by crashing when I added a call to read the external SPI ADC. Took it out and it worked. I'd not changed the ADC code so I was bemused by this but started to take bits of code and out to see at what point it would be happy.

If then started jumping all over the place when I was single stepping through the code. So, for example, jumping back to the function that had called the place where I'd set the breakpoint and then steppinhg back into the function with the break point.

I thought, ah, this sounds like a stack overflow. Tried increasing it to no avail and it was already a pretty big stack anyhow. Way bigger then needed for the amount of functions I'd buried down into. I'm not passing much into the functions.

Unplugging and repluging the JLink helped once or twice, but that no longer helps.

I've now even tried creating a new project in a new workspace and that is auto-starting, reporting errors when the HAL initialises the UART, giving me laods of readouts in the Console like this:

Debugger requested to halt target...
Reading all registers
Read 4 bytes @ address 0x08001798 (Data = 0x330168FB)
Removing breakpoint @ address 0x08001798, Size = 2
Reading all registers
Removing breakpoint @ address 0x08000520, Size = 2
Removing breakpoint @ address 0x08000544, Size = 2
Read 4 bytes @ address 0x08001798 (Data = 0x330168FB)
Read 4 bytes @ address 0x08001798 (Data = 0x330168FB)
Reading 64 bytes @ address 0x20007FC0

I'm just totally bemused as to what is going on. Has anyone seen any of these symptoms and might now what could be happening please? I have the same issue with two boards, so it's not the hardware.

In the unlikely eveny it helps:

STM32G431. Cube is running on Linux, version 1.9.0 Build: 12015_20220302_0855

Many thanks.