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Cube IDE 1.16.0 and STlink v3 - cannot find debugger

Senior III

This sort of thing is a way of life with these ST tools (been using Cube IDE for 6 years on this project) but this one I am unable to fix. Is there some special setting needed under Debug (under project/properties)?





STMicroelectronics ST-LINK GDB server. Version 7.8.0

Copyright (c) 2024, STMicroelectronics. All rights reserved.


Starting server with the following options:

Persistent Mode : Disabled

Logging Level : 1

Listen Port Number : 61234

Status Refresh Delay : 15s

Verbose Mode : Disabled

SWD Debug : Enabled


ST-LINK device status: UNKNOWN

Waiting for debugger connection...

Debugger connected

Waiting for debugger connection...

Debugger connected

Waiting for debugger connection...

Encountered Error when opening C:\ST\STM32CubeIDE_1.16.0\STM32CubeIDE\plugins\\tools\bin\STM32_Programmer_CLI.exe

Error in STM32CubeProgrammer

Shutting down...




I've tried 2 x STLINK ISOL V3 and a STLINK ISOL v2. No success.


I've solved the problem. It was a hardware short on the uP's NRST. I was misled by the fact that it worked once.

Senior III

Does the same issue occur when programming with CubeProgrammer?

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My hardware consists of several PCBs linked via connectors. On 2 of them there is a button that allows the uP to be reset. The aim is for the reset to be as accessible on the PCB containing the uP as it is on the one for the HMI.
In the end, the uP reset is connected as follows:


When I press S5, the 0 ohm resistor R50 causes a short circuit on NRST.

According to the ST documentation, the pull-up resistor (Rpu, framed in red) for the NRST input is internal and fixed, so there is no need to add one.

I didn't understand why it didn't work because when I used STMCubeProgrammer I could load the program without any problem.

My intuition is that when using STMCubeIDE, at the time of debugging, the uP activates one of these outputs (framed in red) and pulls the transistor to ground. This causes the internal reset but it also causes the short-circuit due to my 0 ohm resistor R50. Conversely, when loading the program with STMCubeProgrammer, the uP does not activate the outputs because it uses the NJRST and this does not cause a short-circuit.


I simply removed R50 and C50 and that solved the problem.

I hope my answer is clear enough.

Senior III

These solutions must be describing marginal systems which "just manage" to work afterwards.

There are real issues with the ST debugger system. For example see here

On at least two recent releases, the x.x.0 broke the debugger and the x.x.1 fixed it.

@Boris19 wrote:

When I press S5, the 0 ohm resistor R50 causes a short circuit on NRST. 

@Boris19, not just that but (based on your schematic) every time you press S5 you're shorting the output of your power supply to ground. That's... novel.

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Senior III

@PHolt.1 , that thread is an issue with a particular board stacking arrangement, and the cause isn't really identified. The report simply says "this way works, this doesn't". That's not conclusive. Plus, that post is from 2021, well  before 1.6.0 came out. How is that support for your claim that the new version broke something?


You said this has been working for 6 years and 1.6.0/STLink V3 broke it. Does that mean you rolled-back and it still works with 1.4.1? does it work with regular (non-ISOL) STLink V2/V3? Are you using your own board or an ST dev board? Did you upgrade the STLink firmware? did you NOT upgrade STLink firmware? Give us something to work with.


It's certainly possible there are issues, but I would have expected a flood of similar complaints on the forum if that were the case (perhaps I just missed them). 


These kinds of issues come up all the time, and in many (certainly not all) cases it ends up being due to user error, or a board issue. Boris's story is one example. Another forum post complained that a new version broke his (solid for years!) project, but eventually realized they had been been using a custom bootloader all those years, which somehow was missing after the upgrade (I don't remember the details) .


One thing to try (beyond rolling back the version) is to cut out CubeIDE as a middleman, and try going through the same procedure using GDB from the command line. Since cubeIDE scripts the GDB session, when something goes wrong you lose visibility into what's happening. Get up close and personal and try to recreate the issue in an environment where you can poke and prod.


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Senior III

Indeed being able to drive STLINK directly would be useful. Is there some doc on how to do this?

I do also drive it from the old utilities e.g.





These are both old but there is AFAIK no current replacement. And when Cube IDE doesn't find the debugger, these sometimes find it and sometimes not.


These are both old but there is AFAIK no current replacement. 

Both STLink utility and STVP have been deprecated in favor of STM32CubeProgrammer, for several years.

It also comes with CLI version. It's installed (somewhere) as part of the CubeIDE install.


See UM2576: STM32CubeIDE ST-LINK GDB server . The gdb server talks to the STLink for you, and exposed a TCP port. You connect to that with gdb and off you go. You can also peruse any number of random tutorials around the web about remote debugging embedded targets with GDB. It's pretty standard stuff.


Intermittent connection issues is more likely to be a hardware issue. Perhaps even with your motherboard/USB port/Cable. Did you try another computer? Does the same happen with all boards? With all firmware? With a blank project?


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Senior III


The usual

It is a separate download, not a part of Cube IDE.

I uninstalled it and fortunately Cube IDE still works. This mega bloated java stuff tends to be tricky as to dependencies but ST's stuff tends to be self contained so no idea what this is.

It is a separate download, not a part of Cube IDE.

No. it is also available as a separate download. CubeIDE actually calls the CLI version of CubeProgrammer to download programs to the chip. And you can launch the gui version using the appropriate jar file.


Update: Only the CLI version is bundled with CubeIDE. I got the GUI mixed up with the bundled CubeMX, which can be launched as a standalond GUI through the installed jars. Sorry about that.

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