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Could somebody help me with this strange hal.o thing?

Associate II



Principal III

Don't you have more detailed output, like from the console?

Looks more llike an error in the toolset/setup, not in your code.

Can you build a new project using the generated skeleton code only?



Its like this


i also attach build log file

Associate II

Oh. And it doesnt compile as a default project. Even when I just add 4 PWM channels, generace C code and press run this error occurs.

Complaining it can't find or load CC1, a pass of the compiler. Check presence of tool files and PATH setting. Not installed properly. Do as Admin.

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in addition, make sure that

- the IDE is installed on a short, simple path like C:\ST\ not containing white space, umlauts, and other "difficult" chars that the underlying software cannot properly handle

- there are no competing other compiler toolchains on the path.



Could you direct me little more? I am a complete beginner. Where to check it?

I also found what Mr.KnarfB wrote somewhere that there is this file



That's a Directory, not a File

It should contain the files than make up the compiler, linker, etc.

If you open a command line, ie CMD, you should be able to type "SET" to see the environment variables, including PATH, and you should be able to run the CC1 app

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Okay now i have less errors. 



Yes and no, because this is a higher level error which prevents make from running (and therefore producing the previous errors) :(.

Uninstall STM32CubeIDE and make a clean new install to the default path C:\ST. This usually works on an average Windows system.

