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Can't use C++ linked to Cube Code generation

Associate III

I am writing C++ projects using STMCubeIDE and running into a problem when using classes or other C++ features.

Even when choosing that the project be a C++ project, I can't build the code. Manually changing the file extensions to .cpp makes the code compile, but then breaks the link to generating code with STMCube. If I want to make changes to my pinout configuration I have to manually change the file names back to .c and then build the code, then manually change back to .cpp.

Is there a better way to do this?

Cartu38 OpenDev
Lead II

Fact is automated code generation / update is requiring to rely on a constant file set. If renaming main.c to main.cpp automation is lost then.

Such sounds like a bad news but no issue in fact hopefully some way of working with exist (at least according my own experience) !

1) Hopefully code generation result is C++ compliant

2) IDE support C or C++ projects. Having set your target project's language (either at project creation or Thanks project contexttual "Convert to C++ / C") proper compiler is invoked based on file extensions ( .c or .cpp). And hopefully file extensions mix within a project is supported.

3) Tool suite is fine then up to you to take some care writing your code. Such may sounds like a pain but good in fact to get some structured code finally ...

Here after is my way to mix C & C++ keeping benefit of code generation / update automation. By the way no magic here just rely on your favorite search engine to get some tricks mixing C & C++ code.

Process.h file =

#ifdef __cplusplus

#define EXTERNC extern "C"


#define EXTERNC


EXTERNC void doMyCppProcess(void);

#undef EXTERNC

Process.cpp file =

#include "Process.h"

extern "C" {

  #include "MyCFunctionsHeader.h"


void doMyCppProcess(void) {


 * My code here



Main.c file =

/* Private includes ----------------------------------------------------------*/

#include "Process.h"

/* USER CODE END Includes */


 * @brief The application entry point.

 * @retval int


int main(void)




 /* USER CODE END 1 */

Principal III

A similar discussion was here:

I leave the generated cod as is and call a C++ entry function (or two setup() and loop() ) right before the main loop in user code sections. Luckily the generated headers can be included from C++ code so I can use the APIs from C++.

