2019-12-13 1:55 AM
Hi all...
I'm Matteo from Italy.
I am working with STM32F072 MCU.
Developed my software with STM32F072-EVAL demo board and it works fine (using the on-board STLINK)
Now i am try to debug the same program on my PCB (developed with the same pinout of demoboard) and i getting throubles with debugger (STLINK-V3).
When i press F8 to run the program, i get alwais the Break at address "0x1fffca82" with no debug information available" error.
Just for test I clear the main function as simple as:
well, i found that the error occours in the " HAL_Delay(10); " call.
If I remove the delay function i can debug the set and reset pin (working fine) with step debuf (F6), but when i press F8 i get the same error.
I am using internal HSI48 clock source.
Hereafter the clock configuration:
Thank you for help me !
2019-12-13 2:10 AM
Running code in the ROM
Make sure BOOT0 pin is held LOW
2019-12-13 2:52 AM
Hi Clive!
It works fine!
I am sure i read in some datasheet or application note to leave this pin unconnected :\
Well... Thank you for the advice.
Kind regards!
2019-12-13 3:08 AM
> I am sure i read in some datasheet or application note to leave this pin unconnected :\
Makes sense when a pull-down resistor is connected. Or a pull-up in other cases.
It is usually a favourable habit to check the schematics and the hardware.