2020-10-30 7:36 AM
I made a test code in arduino to read SSI. How can I make the shiftin function work correctly in the stm32 controllers? . In the stm32cubeIDE I can't manage to make it work like in the arduino ide.
In the shiftin function the variables: data_pin, clock_pin and bit_count are in lower case. In the stm32cubeIDE I can't manage to link the outputs to this function:
arduino code:
const int CLOCK_PIN = 8;
const int DATA_PIN1 = 14;
const int DATA_PIN2 = 15;
const int DATA_PIN3 = 16;
const int DATA_PIN4 = 17;
const int BIT_COUNT = 14;
void setup() {
//setup our pins
pinMode(DATA_PIN1, INPUT);
pinMode(DATA_PIN2, INPUT);
pinMode(DATA_PIN3, INPUT);
pinMode(DATA_PIN4, INPUT);
//give some default values
digitalWrite(CLOCK_PIN, HIGH); //klok hoog voor het verkrijgen van data
void loop() {
int reading = readPosition();
float readPosition() {
unsigned long sample1 = shiftIn(DATA_PIN1, CLOCK_PIN, BIT_COUNT);
unsigned long sample2 = shiftIn(DATA_PIN2, CLOCK_PIN, BIT_COUNT);
unsigned long sample3 = shiftIn(DATA_PIN3, CLOCK_PIN, BIT_COUNT);
unsigned long sample4 = shiftIn(DATA_PIN4, CLOCK_PIN, BIT_COUNT);
//unsigned long sample2 = graytobin(sample1, BIT_COUNT);
delayMicroseconds(25); // time-out
//read in a byte of data from the digital input
unsigned long shiftIn(const int data_pin, const int clock_pin, const int bit_count) {
unsigned long data = 0;
for (int i=0; i<BIT_COUNT; i++) {
data <<= 1;
data |= digitalRead(data_pin);
return data;
in STMcubeIDE:
unsigned long shiftIn(const int data_l_pin, const int clk_ssi_port_pin, const int bit_count) {
unsigned long data = 0;
for (int i=0; i<BIT_COUNT; i++) {
data <<= 1;
HAL_GPIO_WritePin(clk_ssi_port_pin, GPIO_PIN_RESET);
HAL_GPIO_WritePin(clk_ssi_port_pin, GPIO_PIN_SET);
data |= HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(DATA1_L_Pin);
return data;
this wont work and cant find a better solution for this, do someone have any tips for create a better function or way to do this connection and read the data from the data pins. In arduino it looks that this function is used for al the data pins.
2020-10-30 11:13 AM
HAL_GPIO_WritePin takes 3 arguments, you're only feeding in two. Pins are specified by both a port and a pin number.