2023-04-04 1:52 AM
Now I am using stm32mp157a-ev1 board and coding M4 program on stm32cubeide.
However, there is a problem that the stm32cubeide stops at 70% after starting to run or debug.
And can check the log for errors in metadata.
2023-04-04 17:11:23,560 [INFO] LogOutputStream:77 - [STDOUT_REDIRECT]
2023-04-04 17:11:46,018 [ERROR] LogOutputStream:75 - [STDERR_REDIRECT] SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
2023-04-04 17:11:46,018 [ERROR] LogOutputStream:75 - [STDERR_REDIRECT] SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
2023-04-04 17:11:46,018 [ERROR] LogOutputStream:75 - [STDERR_REDIRECT] SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#StaticLoggerBinder for further details.
The OS environment is Windows 10, and the installation location is installed with the default settings.
I can't proceed with the current project, so please help.
Solved! Go to Solution.
2023-04-04 10:56 PM
Hello @Wijeden RHIMI
I solved the problem. The serial port was resolved by setting it in Preferences.
[Window] -> [Preferences] -> [STM32Cube] -> [MPU Serial] / Check Remove filter
And in the new workspace there were no problems. However, the problem occurs only in the problematic workspace.
[workspace in problem] D:\project\Source\STM32Cube
[New workspace] D:\proejct\Source\STM32Cube\workspace1.12.0
It is presumed that the cause of the problem is, firstly, that the Remove filter was not set, and secondly, there was a problem with the workspace.
Thank you for your attention.
2023-04-04 2:47 AM
Hello @KNam.2
It's interesting issue :)
A few questions/suggestions you must check it :
Waiting your feedback
2023-04-04 3:04 AM
Hello @KNam.2 and welcome to the community,
Could you please provide which CubeIDE version used for this project and what is the purpose of the added program.
2023-04-04 7:59 PM
Hello @Wijeden RHIMI
1.It worked before, but now it doesn't. I uninstalled and reinstalled, but it doesn't work.
2.A new project was created in a new workspace, but there was a problem that ST-Link Serial Port could not be found.
3.I tried rebuilding after "Clean project", but it doesn't work.
Is there any way to solve this?
2023-04-04 10:56 PM
Hello @Wijeden RHIMI
I solved the problem. The serial port was resolved by setting it in Preferences.
[Window] -> [Preferences] -> [STM32Cube] -> [MPU Serial] / Check Remove filter
And in the new workspace there were no problems. However, the problem occurs only in the problematic workspace.
[workspace in problem] D:\project\Source\STM32Cube
[New workspace] D:\proejct\Source\STM32Cube\workspace1.12.0
It is presumed that the cause of the problem is, firstly, that the Remove filter was not set, and secondly, there was a problem with the workspace.
Thank you for your attention.