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STM32CubeIDE: CPU stuck at 100% when editing IOC files

Associate III

I am using STM32CubeIDE v1.4.2 and experiencing issues with editing IOC files. I am using Ubuntu 18.04.05 as recommended by ST. Often when when I am using the integrated Cube MX editor I experience 100% CPU load and the IDE locks up. I have tried increasing the Java heap size to 4MB. 3 years ago I did a project using the separate Cube MX program and had no issues with it but since ST integrated it into the IDE it seems pretty much unusable. Does anyone have any ideas how to make this software operable?


Well, it hasn't got any worse. I have recently changed PC, built a new Ubuntu 18.04.5 VM and installed the v1.6.1 of STM32CubeIDE. I have increased the Java heap settings to be 4x the default settings. So far I have not had a problem opening an IOC file. On the other hand, it botched the migration of the project to the latest firmware so now the project is broken.

Associate II

Hi I had the same issue. When I open ioc file, CPU hits %100. I used visualvm tool to profile stm32cubeide to find which thread is consuming time.

It was plug-in org.eclipse.cdt.native.serial. I searched online about the issue and found similar complaints about eclipse cdt serial plugin.

Solution is keeping STM32 development board's programming USB cable connected to the PC. In my case CPU usage hits to %100 if board's programming cable is not connected. When I plug the board to PC and open stm32cubeide CPU usage goes back to normal/acceptable level.

Cartu38 OpenDev
Lead II

@ASay.1​ what is your setup here (target status) ?

0693W00000Bcex3QAB.jpgMaybe some tricks ...

MPU Context

@ASay.1​ Some extra question trying to get your context.

MPU context setup ok Thanks for sharing. What about your workspace content then ... any project dealing with a STM32MP1 device ?

Possibly could you share your stack trace of the visualvm threads ?

Still possibly could you share log files ? Have a look to your workspace some .metadata/.log4j setup file is available.

Move    <param name="Threshold" value="INFO"/> to    <param name="Threshold" value="DEBUG"/>.

Remove then .metadata/.log & .metadata/.ide.log and start a new IDE session. Proceed as usual to get stucked situation and please share back such 2 files.

Help would be appreciated by community. Thanks.


I have the same issue. CPU usage goes up to 100% to 160% (top) on ubuntu 20.04.

STM32CubeIDE Version 1.7.0



Found this thread after running into the same issue today (STM32CubeIDE 1.7.0 on Fedora 35). Thanks for the tips regarding  the ~/.stm32cubemx directory, removing it has cleared it up for me also..

Associate III

version 1.9.0 same problem, ide often uses 100% 3-4 core cpu cores per ide instance when ioc file is open on "clock configuration" page despite no interaction with the ide.

Associate III

after update to 1.10.1 in win10 64 the cpu use seems to be fixed.



a little bit late, but maybe it will give some insight. I found the same issue and cause and (workaround):

All the best
