2023-01-14 8:16 PM
> sudo java -jar SetupSTM32CubeProgrammer-2.11.0.exe
> sudo java -jar SetupSTM32CubeProgrammer-2.12.0.exe
Completely uninstalled JAVA, then reinstalled - no change.
Reviewed several community posts, no solution yet.
Environment: macOS Big Sur
2023-02-06 1:21 PM
Same issue on Feb 6th, 2023
2023-06-01 4:28 AM
Bonjour j'ai le même souci avec Debian.En utilisant l'ordonnanceur Linux et Windows.
manque t il une librairie en java?
2023-07-03 5:41 AM
Same issue today under Linux with:
> sudo ./SetupSTM32CubeProgrammer-2.13.0.linux
2023-08-12 1:56 PM
It appears that SetupSTM32CubeProgrammer is a GUI app, so it has to be run without sudo but with DISPLAY:
DISPLAY=:0 ./SetupSTM32CubeProgrammer-2.14.0.linux
2023-08-16 3:05 AM
Yes! You are correct. This works for me also with Version 2.13. Very interesting information as I didn't find any information about a change in the installer in the release notes for 2.11.
Thank you!