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STM32MP153 - How to drive PWR_ON pin to low

Dat Tran
Senior II


We would like to drive pin PWR_ON to low for low power mode.

First, on MCU, we use HAL library: HAL_PWR_EnterSTANDBYMode(), load to M4 and run it first, so M4 now enter standby mode.

Second, on MPU, we set TZEN=0 so non-secure, allow us to modify PWR and RCC registers.

We write a small application, using devmem to change registers, code is below:


int main() {
    Register.SetBits(PWR_MPUCR, 1 << 9); //PWR_MPUCR_CSSF
    Register.SetBits(PWR_MPUCR, 1 << 3); //PWR_MPUCR_CSTBYDIS
    Register.SetBits(PWR_MPUCR, 1 << 0); //PWR_MPUCR_PDDS

    Register.SetBits(PWR_CR1, 1 << 0); //LPDS
    Register.SetBits(PWR_CR1, 1 << 1); //LPCFG
    Register.SetBits(PWR_CR1, 1 << 2); //LVDS

    Register.Write(RCC_MP_SREQSETR, 1 << 0);//RCC_MP_SREQSETR_STPREQ
    Register.Write(RCC_MP_RSTSCLRR, 0x7FF);//RCC_MP_RSTSCLRR => clear reset flags

    __asm volatile ("dsb" : : : "memory");
    __asm volatile ("isb" : : : "memory");
    __asm volatile("wfi" : : : "memory");; // wait for interrupt

    return 0; // should not be here
Problem is, when run application from command prompt, nothing happened, PWR_ON pin still high and wfi() seems not work, the application return 0.
We checked PWR_MPUCR register and see the values we write into register are correct. 


ST Employee

Hi @Dat Tran 

Some useful information in AN5109 STM32MP15x lines using low-power modes


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