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Security Concerns When Flashing STM32MP1 Custom Board via USB



I am currently working on a custom board based on the STM32MP1. In my research, I found that flashing firmware over JTAG is not supported for the STM32MP1 series. Instead, we need to rely on USB or UART for flashing purposes.

I came across this related issue on the forum: Flashing STM32MP1 Custom Board Over JTAG.

Given this, I am concerned about the security implications of using USB for flashing firmware. Specifically:

  1. What security measures can be implemented to prevent unauthorized access or flashing through USB?
  2. Is it possible to enforce authentication during the USB boot and firmware flashing process?
  3. Are there recommended techniques to encrypt the firmware or restrict access to certain boot modes?

And if I use the UART for flashing, then how can I do that? Which combination of boot mode selection switch should I use? Is there any specific documentation for flashing firmware using UART?

I would greatly appreciate any guidance or best practices to enhance security when using USB as the flashing method.

Thank you in advance!