2020-07-02 1:46 AM
I am developing CAN, but during the test process, I found that part of frames would be lost when setting the classic CAN of ST to be received. The specific test is as follows:
1)Connect NXP's 6ULL to my own board(STM32mp157AAC) and set the baud rate of the two boards to 50K.
2)Send 1 byte of data from 6ull every 10ms(program set) :./can_send -d can0-i 1 66,
Then set my development board to receive:candump -L can0 -d, the board receives data normally, as follows:
2)Send 1 byte of data from 6ull every 1ms(program set),./can_send -d can0-I 1 66,
Then set my development board to receive:candump -L can0 -d,it will dropped CAN frames,can you give me some advice? Thanks