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Quad SPI Transmit issue

Associate II



I'm working with the STM32MP131FAE in a bare-metal environment, and I'm experiencing issues with QuadSPI.

I want to use Quad SPI to send 96 bytes of data continuously without any clock interruptions.

However, currently, the data is being sent in chunks, with breaks every 4 bytes.

Is there a way to resolve this issue?

From top to bottom, the signals are CLK, Data1~3.

Below is my QuadSPI configuration:





	 sCommand.Instruction 		  = 0;
	 sCommand.InstructionMode 	  = XSPI_INSTRUCTION_NONE;
  	 sCommand.AddressMode 		  = XSPI_ADDRESS_NONE;
  	 sCommand.AddressWidth 	 	  = XSPI_ADDRESS_24_BITS;
  	 sCommand.Address 			  = 0;
  	 sCommand.AlternateByteMode   = XSPI_ALT_BYTES_NONE;
  	 sCommand.DTRMode 			  = XSPI_DTR_MODE_DISABLE;
  	 sCommand.DelayHoldHalfCycle  = XSPI_DHHC_ANALOG_DELAY;
  	 sCommand.SIOOMode 		      = XSPI_SIOO_INST_EVERY_CMD;
  	 sCommand.DataMode 		      = XSPI_DATA_4_LINES;
  	 sCommand.DataLength 		  = 96;
  	 sCommand.DummyCycles 		  = 0;
  	 sCommand.IOSelect 		  	  = HAL_XSPI_SELECT_IO_7_4;

  	  /* Configure the command */
      if (HAL_XSPI_Command(&hxspi, &sCommand, HAL_XSPI_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT_VALUE) != HAL_OK) {
          return HAL_ERROR;

	/* Transmission of the data */
      if (HAL_XSPI_Transmit(&hxspi, pdata, HAL_XSPI_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT_VALUE) != HAL_OK)
          return FALSE;