2020-08-15 12:03 PM
In the stm32mp157C-DK2 board, there is a DDR3 memory with size 4GB x 1.
I wanted to know why the size defined in the system is 512mb as the next figure show :
2020-08-15 12:07 PM
NB: As far as the name "phoenix" is concerned, i juste renamed the board with that name (some kind of training on the uboot) :p
2020-08-15 1:39 PM
Gb = giga bit
4 Gb = 0.5 GB (giga byte)
The notion GiB and MiB are more precisely expressing multiples of 1024 not 1000.
2020-08-15 3:23 PM
Thanks, it's clear to me, but I think using the Byte is easier than using the bit ;)
2020-08-16 1:30 AM
Thats right, at least from the software perspective. But its quite common to express the chip density in Mbit. And you read "256 Meg x 16" or "32 Meg x 16 x 8 banks" in the data sheet.