2021-04-14 6:09 AM
I have tried to build the Distribution Package following this guide: https://wiki.st.com/stm32mpu/index.php/STM32MP1_Distribution_Package#Building_the_OpenSTLinux_distribution
My goal is to run a build that is as small as possible. Therefore I choose openstlinux-eglfs as distro (without Wayland and X11):
PC $> DISTRO=openstlinux-eglfs MACHINE=stm32mp1 source layers/meta-st/scripts/envsetup.sh
PC $> bitbake st-image-core
I haven't made any modifications in any file but the build fails. I have inserted the output of "PC $> bitbake st-image-core" in bitbake_output
Why does the build fail?
2021-04-14 6:48 AM
Hello @Community member
from the bitbake ouput, it seems errors come from attempts to access internet URLs:
Failed to fetch URL git://repo.or.cz/git2cl.git
Failed to fetch URL git://repo.or.cz/libjaylink.git
Failed to fetch URL git://github.com/OP-TEE/optee_client.git
and so on.
Would it be possible to check if you have an external connection to internet? Are you behind a proxy?
Best regards