2020-09-24 2:13 AM
Hi STµ Teams!
Another questions!
I'd like to have some precisions about yocto building :
I 'm able to build st-image-core, SDK1.2.
--Does the u-boot (and tfa) is built each time (ie: fetching sources, applying patch, compiling) when I'm bitbaking or does yocto takes a particular already built u-boot/tf-a from meta-st directory?
--If it compiles each time, and I want to add modification, Does I need to use the ".patch" method (and modify receipt in meta-st-stm32mp/recipes-bsp) or can I directly give u-boot&tf-a compiled files from developper package ?
--I need to modify the extlinux.conf, and add a directory in bootfs, is there a receipt to do this?
Have a nice day!
2020-09-25 7:36 AM
Hi @Eldam
I guess wiki page https://wiki.st.com/stm32mpu/wiki/How_to_cross-compile_with_the_Distribution_Package#Modifying_the_TF-A migth give you the guideline you are looking for.
Hope it help