2023-08-08 10:58 PM - edited 2023-08-08 11:11 PM
I tried to add development tools to my openSTLinux using apt-get install, but couldn't find gcc.
so I tried to create a distribution including gcc, make, cmake and git.
When I search for available recipes for gcc using
find ../layers/ -iname "*gcc*.bb"
I get the following list of gcc tools
which one should I include in my distribution?
when I try to add "gcc-arm-none-eabi-native" or "nativesdk-gcc-arm-none-eabi" or "libgcc-initial" to the distribution by adding them to the recipe st-image-weston.bb
CORE_IMAGE_EXTRA_INSTALL += " gcc-arm-none-eabi-native nativesdk-gcc-arm-none-eabi libgcc-initial"
I get error
ERROR: Task do_populate_sdk in /.../Distribution-Package/layers/meta-st/meta-st-openstlinux/recipes-st/images/st-image-weston.bb rdepends upon non-existent task do_package_write_deb in .../Distribution-Package/layers/openembedded-core/meta/recipes-devtools/gcc/libgcc-initial_12.2.bb
and same error for other two recipes
even though I can find the stm-st-stm32mp layer when I rung bitbake-layers show-layers as shown below
stm-st-stm32mp /.../Distribution-Package/layers/meta-st/meta-st-stm32mp 6
core /.../Distribution-Package/layers/openembedded-core/meta 5
Why I am getting this error and how to overcome it?
When I add other gcc recipes to the distribution image and flash it to board, I can't find gcc among installed apps on the board
How can I solve this problem?
2023-08-09 1:02 AM
Hello @HAlzo ,
For which kind of use case do you need gcc deployed on board ?
You already have the SDK provided with the Developer package to cross compile your userspace application, and deploy it on your target.
Kind regards,
2023-08-09 1:12 AM
my 1st scenario was to develop a distribution with all my required SW, but I am facing some problems as explained here Building custum librarz using btbake cause do_pack... - STMicroelectronics Community
so I am trying to build the application on board as a work around.
2023-08-09 1:47 AM
@HAlzo ,
OK let me check this new thread so. I really think that deploying gcc on the board is not a good solution. We avoid at maximum to build on board, for performance and convenience question.
Kind regards,