2020-09-07 10:55 PM
how to use vbat in dtsi configuration for RTC back up,
i had checked in evk and dk1 and dk2 dtsi, no reference available.
any one please share you thoughts
2020-09-09 2:41 AM
Hi @Ara.1
I guess your question is similar to https://community.st.com/s/question/0D53W000009k9xfSAA/how-to-set-vsw-domain-for-stm32mp151c-custom-board-as-openstlinux-dts-for-using-retram
Actually this is not manage through dtsi. You need to patch TF-A in order to set in PWR_CR2, the bits RREN and BREN
2020-09-09 5:51 AM
Hi Olivier,
Thanks i will check it ,
where can i get these information as a reference manual,
i have STM32MP157C/F data sheet, but i need these PWR_CR2 information , like reference manual, that would be helpful.
2020-09-09 5:54 AM
Hi @Ara.1
Please go through https://www.st.com/en/microcontrollers-microprocessors/stm32mp1-series.html#resource
It contains all technical literature around MP1 including of course RM
2021-10-18 3:27 AM
is there any way in linux sdk support on
2021-10-18 6:55 AM
anyone face this issue ?
2021-10-18 7:36 AM
Hi @Ara.1
Even if in same topic I would prefer you open a new post for your last comment rather than wake up this old one.
And for the original question , was my comment useful ?
2021-10-18 8:56 AM
Yes Oliver your informative was useful, but i am seeing sysfs user space like /sys/ device or class info which can access in user space.
as this this is a right forum to ask question, so asked here