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Resource setup-environment with custom distro in custom layer fails with error message

Sven S.


I have created a layer with my custom distro config and altered the conf/local.conf to point to this new distro. So far so good, everything worked as expected. Now comming back and I want to resource the environment with

source ./layers/meta-st/scripts/

I got the following problem:

build@1f814fef97e6:/build$ source ./layers/meta-st/scripts/
Linux Distrib: Ubuntu
Linux Release: 18.04
[BUILD_DIR configuration]
  1. build-openstlinuxeglfs-stm32mp1  -  DISTRO is 'openstlinux-exut' and MACHINE is 'stm32mp1'
  2. NEW                              -  *** SET NEW DISTRO AND MACHINE BUILD CONFIG ***
Which one would you like? [build-openstlinuxeglfs-stm32mp1] 1
bash: [: -z: binary operator expected
Selected BUILD_DIR: build-openstlinuxeglfs-stm32mp1
[source layers/openembedded-core/oe-init-build-env][with previous config]
[ERROR] No 'openstlinux-exut.conf' file available in layers/meta-st

I also got the same problem if I specified the build-directory as argument. Before creating the distro I had no problems with sourcing the file and also the file set has been working till I closed my console window.

There seems to be a problem with the layer configuration, which seems to be not set at the point the check runs, but I can never set the layer because I can not source the environment. I know the workaround is always to reset the distro in conf/local.conf but this is rather annoying.

Has anyone managed to define a custom distro in a separate layer and how was this rpoblem above solved?

ST Employee

Hi @Sven S.​ 

Can you please share your custom layer and local.conf in order we can see what can cause such issue ?



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