2020-09-28 9:10 AM
I've a custom board with STM32MP153C MPU. I used STM32CubeMX to generate the device tree for kernel, tf-a and uboot. I would like to include these device tree files and create a distribution package. Followed the steps listed in https://wiki.st.com/stm32mpu/wiki/How_to_create_your_own_machine but during bitbake the build fails as it cannot find stm32mp153.dtsi and other related STM32MP153 files required by the device tree. I made sure the conf for my custom project includes STM32MP153c as the custom reference board, but it still can't find the files for this MPU, and it gets all the files for STM32MP157c MPU in arch/arm/dts. What do I need to do get the files for STM32MP153 and create a distribution package?
2020-09-29 2:01 AM
Hi @NBhat.1
Can you please confirm you are using Ecoystem V2.0 ?
2020-09-29 8:54 AM
Hi Olivier,
Thank you for your response. I am using Ecosystem v1.2.0.
1. How do I update the Ecosystem? I installed the distribution package using ST wiki link which installed v1.2.0. Can you provide the link for the update?
2. Will that solve my problem? The distribution package doesn't have the files for STM32MP153 that are needed by the device tree generated using STM32CubeMX for my custom board that uses STM32MP153CA MPU.
2020-09-29 12:49 PM
Hi @NBhat.1 ,
Ok, so I understand you are using STM32CubeMX V6.0.x which is generating Device Tree compatible with ecosystem V2.0.
You have to revert to CubeMX version 5.6 to generate dts compatible with V1.2
2020-09-29 2:20 PM
Hello Olivier,
Thank you for that information. I will get the CubeMX v5.6.1 and give it a try. Can I import the cubemx config file from v6.0 into v5.6.1, or do I have to create the entire project from scratch in v5.6.1?
Also, can you please share the links to download distribution package for Ecosystem v2.0, in case I have to go through that route?
Thanks again,
2020-09-29 11:00 PM
Hi @NBhat.1 ,
>> Can I import the cubemx config file from v6.0 into v5.6.1 ?
No, sorry, it's not possible.
Our wiki site today address Ecosystem V2.0.
You can get Ecosystem V2.0 Distribution package from this page:
2020-10-01 8:25 AM
Hi @Community member
I installed Ecosystem v2.0 and I'm using CubeMX version 6.0, but when I try to generate the device tree the CubeMX uses STM32Cube_FW_MP1 v1.2.0 firmware package. I was expecting it to use v2.0.0 firmware package. Is this okay or will it cause any problems when generating the distribution using ecosystem v2.0?
On wiki https://wiki.st.com/stm32mpu/wiki/STM32CubeMP1_Package_release_note it says somewhere "drivers will be updated to v2.0.0 soon, if you need urgently, please ask a question in the ST Forum".
Please advice if I should use this v1.2.0 cube FW to generate device tree for Ecosystem v2.0 distribution, or do I need to get the updated cube FW.
2020-10-01 8:43 AM
Hi @NBhat.1 ,
Between ecosystem V1.2 and V2.0 we do not upgrade STM32Cube_FW_MP1 version ... which remain in V1.2.
So no issue.
>> "drivers will be updated to v2.0.0 soon, if you need urgently, please ask a question in the ST Forum".
Sorry, I don't find it in the mention page ? Could you precise exactly where you read this ?
2020-10-01 8:50 AM
@Community member
On wiki https://wiki.st.com/stm32mpu/wiki/STM32CubeMP1_Package_release_note
If you click on the exclamation mark in section 6.3.1 HAL drivers↑, you will see that comment.
Legend : HAL drivers added since ecosystem release v1.2.0
2020-10-01 12:48 PM
Hi @Community member ,
As per your suggestion, I've installed Ecosystem v2.0, and I'm generating device tree files for tf-a, u-boot and kernel using CubeMX v6.0. I'm little confused about the exact procedure to compile the device tree files and create a distribution package for my custom board based on STM32MP153C.
Hopefully you can answer my questions or point me to a person who can.
There is one set of procedure described under
And then there are a bunch of How Tos like
I know I need to modify the device tree files for my board, but do I need to modify any recipe files or distro*.inc files as described in above two How Tos?
Also, is there way to boot the board in non-trusted (non-secure) mode? We found a problem on our board that I2C1 is connected to PMIC, but I2C1 is not available in trusted mode, only I2C4 and 6 are available (which we didn't know while designing the board). So PMIC can't be configured in the trusted mode. So we are looking for ways to configure PMIC using I2C1 in non-trusted mode, if that's possible.
Based on the wiki docs TF-A need to initialize DDR3 in order to load u-boot in DDR3. Does it mean we can't bypass trusted boot?
Thank you so much for your help.