2024-04-27 6:05 PM
Hello everyone,
we have a custom board with STM32MP157F. The board is equipped with SD and eMMC. We do not have USB on endproduct. Our plan flashing eMMC is as follows:
1. create yocto image for eMMC
2. create SD image
3. generate SD raw image with the script "create_sdcard_from_flashlayout.sh"
4. dd the sd raw image onto SD card
5. boot from SD
After this point, there will be a custom script/program, which will flash the eMMC.
Currently all information requires the usage of STM32CubeProgrammer, which will be in our production and post-production service-technicians not feasible.
The plan for flashing eMMC is:
1. activate both boot partitions on eMMC
2. dd TF/A onto these partitions
3. dd generated raw eMMC image containing the partitions and fill the partitions with images (rootfs, optee...)
Is this supported at all?
Are there any offsets to take care for dd boot partitions?
Which parameters should be used to activate the boot partitions?
Is there any other recommended way to flash eMMC wtihout Cube Programmer?
Anyone has experience with such scenario?
2024-04-30 7:04 AM
Hello @arslan,
I do not have a good solution in mind without USB. We now have documented a new tool other than CubeProgrammer named PRG_TOOLBOX (https://wiki.st.com/stm32mpu/wiki/PRG-TOOLBOX-FB), but it only supports USB.
Maybe the only solution now is to find a CubeProgrammer like solution that uses UART, but it will take a long time to flash an eMMC for me..
Kind regards,
2024-04-30 8:47 AM
Hi @arslan ,
the mechanism is somewhat described in this post.