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how to install python submodule on stm32mpu



I used pip3 install python submodule.

The submodule inclued xxx.c files.

The install processing be use 'arm-ostl-linux-gnueabi-gcc' compiler tool, The processing be fail.

I can't find gcc-arm-aarch32-arm-none-linux-gnueabi tool for The STM32MPU157-DK2.

I find out tools are 'gcc-arm-aarch64-arm-none-linux-gnueabi', But it can't use on the STM32MPU157-DK2.

I use STM32-SDK provider comliler tools, it is don't working too. 


The other question, 

The other way, How to install python submodule in the linux kernel image?

Jean-Marc B
ST Employee

Hello @NashHsu 

The image installed on STM32MP boards doesn't contain any toolchain nor *-dev or *-src packages hence the errors you may face when trying to install python modules which need to be built on the board.

To add the python module which requires a compilation, you need to create the corresponding recipes into your Yocto environment.

To add a new recipe, please follow this wiki page:

To build the recipe for your Python module, you can use the pipoe utility ( from your host PC:

$> pip3 install pipoe
$> pipoe -p <your python module> --python python3

And then just copy the generated .bb file to your layer.

For your next question, I don't have any idea. Please open a new thread for this specific item so the community will help you.

Best regards,


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Can I install the PYTHON subpackage on an operating system as an image?

Hi @NashHsu 

Yes, you can install a python sub-package into your image. Once you have written the recipe for your python module, please refer to this wiki page to add it to your image: 

Best regards,


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