2020-02-26 7:05 PM
How can I make these LEDs work on stm32mp157-dk2 board? Ethernet interface is working fine, but both link and activity LEDs are always OFF. I need to have a visual confirmation that Ethernet has some TX/RX activity and thus need these LEDs working. Anyone got an idea?
2020-03-01 3:25 PM
I've just realized that stm32mp157-dk2 board on 1Gbit ethernet network will have both LEDs on RJ45 connector OFF by design ;) !
So with 1Gbit connection it will turn ON small LED on the board located next to the RJ45 connector, and it will somewhat blink it on TX/RX activity. That's all.
No wonder I missed it... Doh! So I guess it all works as designed on this board.
If anyone knows of any possibility to control these LEDs on RJ45 connector instead, please let me know. Also, which software piece is controlling these LEDs?
I would love to try to modify it to light up LEDs on RJ45 connector instead (one for link status, another for activity. Isn't it kinda standard?)
2020-03-02 3:01 PM
Here's the patch I ended up using: