02:05 AM
- edited on
11:09 AM
This article demonstrates how to implement a webserver application using the AzureRTOS ecosystem, relying on the NetXDuo stack for Ethernet communication. We also use FileX for hosting the pages in the MCU’s embedded flash and ThreadX as RTOS. The demo uses the NUCLEO-H753ZI board but can be easily tailored to a different STM32.
A web page is a useful resource for several types of applications. It allows the user to communicate with a device nearly instantly and as far as their network can go.
The web pages are going to be completely hosted inside the microcontroller’s flash, which includes the HTML files as well as all the scripts and images. To facilitate the memory management, LevelX and FileX stacks are used. FileX is responsible for hosting a simple file system inside the flash configured by LevelX to be a simulated NOR driver with a 1 MB capacity.
The NetXDuo is responsible for managing all internet protocols required for this application to work: HTTP server, TCP/IP, DHCP, ICMP, ARP, UDP, and IP. Ethernet and MAC protocols are being managed at the hardware level hardware.
To allocate the web pages as a binary file inside the microcontroller, a tool called fxImageCreator is used, the tool and the software license agreement are attached, please make sure to read the license agreement before using it. The tool creates a bin image with a file system for embedded system memory, containing the structure file tree and identifying the file easily. While it can be used with external memories, it works nicely with embedded memory as this tool can be configured to fill the exact number of bytes made available by the LevelX setting.
The web_demo.bin file is provided in this article, containing all files required for three html pages to be displayed and interacted with. Just as a quick reference, the file about.html is a page displaying a few product features present in the NUCLEO-H753, including an image of the board. A small debrief about the demo is also shown, together with links to the Nucleo board online page and the two other pages hosted by the demo, called Index.html.
Index.html displays further information about the Nucleo board and its microcontroller with images and links. Furthermore, a description of the Azure RTOS STM32Cube expansion and dashboard.html that displays system performance data regarding RTOS TCP traffic and connection information. Two graphs are shown representing the number of times each thread ran and how many NetXDuo packets are available. A toggle button at the bottom of the page controls the green LED on the board.
To start the application, we first need to create a project in STM32CubeIDE using the NUCLEO-H753ZI board. After setting a project name press “no” to the pop-up message about starting the peripherals in default mode, as the article will cover all needed settings.
One of the key aspects is properly configuring the MPU on the CORTEX_M7. Enable both CPU caches, speculation default mode and set the MPU control mode as background region privileged access only + MPU disabled during hard fault, NMI, and FAUTMASK handlers. More details about the settings and addresses are covered in this article: https://community.st.com/t5/stm32-mcus/how-to-create-project-for-stm32h7-with-ethernet-and-lwip-stack/ta-p/49308
MPU regions must be configured to specify the access to both Ethernet descriptors, such as in the picture below.
To allow for optimal performance the microcontroller should run at its highest frequency. As stated in the errata sheet ES0392 revisions Y or W of the H753 family are limited to run at 400 MHz and does not require this step. However, if revision X or V is being used, the RCC tab must be configured.
Setting the product revision to V allows the user to configure the power regulator voltage scale to 0, which enables the microcontroller to reach its highest possible frequency.
Next in the SYS section, the timebase source must be set to a timer, since SysTick is used by the RTOS. Timers 6 or 7 are recommended since they are basic timers with no external signal capabilities.
In the connectivity tab, both the Ethernet and USART3 peripherals are used. Ethernet is the focus of this application and the serial port is used for debug purposes, such as application flow and IP address handling.
RMII Ethernet mode must be enabled. Configure the Rx buffers length to the maximum value and the first descriptor addresses must be set as such:
Lastly in the Ethernet tab, navigate to the NVIC settings tab and check the Ethernet global interrupt enable box.
The USART3 peripheral pins are mapped in the pinout view as STLINK_TX and STLINK_RX, as they are configured as the virtual COM port. Configure the peripheral in asynchronous mode and the desired baud rate, word length, parity, and stop bits parameters. The default settings are:
In this tab, "MIDDLEWARES" is selected. Look for the X-CUBE-AZRTOS-H7 and download its latest version if it is greyed out. Once it is installed click it to open the software packs component selector pop-up.
Now, select the following middleware to configure the operational system ThreadX, the file system FileX and its subsystem LevelX. Doing so, we can simulate a NOR interface inside the microcontroller’s memory:
Next, the network middleware and interface must be configured. NetXDuo has its core and both DHCP client and web server addons enabled. The network interfaces and BSP PHY must be configured respecting the parts present in the Nucleo board.
After selecting all the necessary components, press ok and the pop-up will be closed to present a few checkboxes. All of them must be checked so that the middleware is included in the project files.
LevelX is used in this application to simulate a NOR driver in the microcontroller’s internal memory.
We must configure the base address of the simulated NOR driver to 0x08100000, its size to 1 MB and sectors to two, as the picture shows. The html files are stored at this address.
This middleware is the heart of the application, managing the webserver and all its required protocols under the OSI model. Starting with the core, NX_ENABLE_INTERFACE_CAPABILITY must be checked.
On the IP subsection, the NX_DISABLE_IPV6 checkbox must be ticked and the other parameters as default
All other NetXDuo tabs should be kept at their default settings.
This tab configures the memory allocation and initialization of all related stacks and middlewares.
The NetXDuo memory pool size must be multiplied by 100. "FileX Generate Init Code" box must be unchecked. NetXDuo pool size in number of packets must be set to 50 instead of 5. The IP instance thread size multiplied by 2. The last configuration is to check the "Initialize DHCP protocol."
Here is where the kernel is configured. The only difference from default settings is that the TX_THREAD_ENABLE_PERFORMANCE_INFO parameter must be enabled.
After enabling the RTOS, the preemption priority of the Ethernet interruption must be configured to 7. This is done in the NVIC tab as shown below:
The FileX tab configures several parameters related to the file system, but for this application it must be set to its default settings.
In this tab, the "Serial Wire" debug mode must be configured. This adds two signals to the pinout view, both connected to STLINK on the Nucleo board allowing the use of debug features.
As briefly mentioned earlier, to achieve the best possible performance the M7 core must run at the highest frequency allowed. To do so, the SYSCLK source must be set to PLLCLK and the PLL1 block must have its values configured to multiply the 64 MHz HSI clock to 480 MHz. This is given that the hardware revision is rev. V or X, otherwise the maximum frequency allowed is 400 MHz (ES0392). The STM32CubeIDE calculates the values automatically if the desired clock frequency is inserted in any of the blue contoured blocks.
Once all this setup is completed in the device configuration tool perspective, the code snippet must be generated using the Alt + K shortcut. This should save and configure the project file tree and open main.c.
Now, the project has all its foundation configured and set for the code to be constructed. Several files are modified in the project to create our web server application, including: main.c, app_azure_rtos.c, app_filex.c, app_netxduo.c, and STM32H753ZITX_FLASH.ld.
To allow for easier debugging and communication with the VCOM, the printf function must be configured. The following code must be inserted in the USER CODE BEGIN PFP section.
int __io_putchar(int ch) {
/* Place your implementation of fputc here */
/* e.g. write a character to the USART3 and Loop until the end of transmission */
HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart3, (uint8_t*) &ch, 1, 0xFFFF);
return ch;
Also to provide better debugging and code handling, the default Error_Handler() function must be modified. Adding LED toggling functionality allows for visual identification that an error has happened, making the troubleshooting process faster and easier, if needed. The error handler function is defined around line 460 of the code and should look like this
void Error_Handler(void)
/* USER CODE BEGIN Error_Handler_Debug */
/* User can add his own implementation to report the HAL error return state */
while (1)
HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(LD2_GPIO_Port, LD2_Pin);
/* USER CODE END Error_Handler_Debug */
With this code the green LED turns off, all IRQ interruptions are disabled, and the red LED starts blinking indefinitely.
This file has several memory allocation calls, and if any of them fail the application will not function. To improve the debugging capabilities, we recommend that the error sections should call the Error_Handler function. The following is an example of that.
if (tx_byte_pool_create(&tx_app_byte_pool, "Tx App memory pool", tx_byte_pool_buffer, TX_APP_MEM_POOL_SIZE) != TX_SUCCESS)
/* USER CODE BEGIN TX_Byte_Pool_Error */
/* USER CODE END TX_Byte_Pool_Error */
/* USER CODE BEGIN TX_Byte_Pool_Success */
/* USER CODE END TX_Byte_Pool_Success */
memory_ptr = (VOID *)&tx_app_byte_pool;
status = App_ThreadX_Init(memory_ptr);
if (status != TX_SUCCESS)
/* USER CODE BEGIN App_ThreadX_Init_Error */
/* USER CODE END App_ThreadX_Init_Error */
/* USER CODE BEGIN App_ThreadX_Init_Success */
/* USER CODE END App_ThreadX_Init_Success */
A single line of code must be added to this file, and it is responsible for allocating the file system memory pool.
This file holds most of the coding for this application, as it manages all protocols used to have a webserver functional. First, a few header files must be included
/* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */
#include "main.h"
#include "nx_web_http_server.h"
#include "app_filex.h"
/* USER CODE END Includes */
Afterwards, private variables must be created to set data structures essential for ThreadX, NetXDuo byte pools, and the FileX data structures.
/* Define Threadx global data structures. */
TX_THREAD AppServerThread;
TX_THREAD LedThread;
TX_THREAD AppLinkThread;
/* Led toggling thread entry */
void LedThread_Entry(ULONG thread_input);
/* Define NetX global data structures. */
ULONG IpAddress;
ULONG NetMask;
ULONG free_bytes;
/* Set nx_server_pool start address */
#if defined ( __ICCARM__ ) /* IAR Compiler */
#pragma location = ".NxServerPoolSection"
#elif defined ( __CC_ARM ) || defined(__ARMCC_VERSION) /* ARM Compiler 5/6 */
#elif defined ( __GNUC__ ) /* GNU Compiler */
static uint8_t nx_server_pool[SERVER_POOL_SIZE];
/* Define FileX global data structures. */
/* the server reads the content from the uSD, a FX_MEDIA instance is required */
FX_MEDIA Flash_Media;
/* Buffer for FileX FX_MEDIA sector cache. this should be 32-Bytes aligned to avoid
cache maintenance issues */
ALIGN_32BYTES (uint32_t DataBuffer[512]);
In the next user code portion, the private function prototypes must be added. Three thread prototypes are added, as follows:
/* HTTP server thread entry */
static void nx_server_thread_entry(ULONG thread_input);
static VOID App_Link_Thread_Entry(ULONG thread_input);
/* Server callback when a new request from a client is triggered */
static UINT webserver_request_notify_callback(NX_WEB_HTTP_SERVER *server_ptr, UINT request_type, CHAR *resource, NX_PACKET *packet_ptr);
The next portion of code to be modified is USER CODE BEGIN MX_NetXDuo_Init
printf("Nx_Webserver application started..\n");
/* Initialize the NetXDuo system. */
/* Allocate the server packet pool. */
ret = tx_byte_allocate(byte_pool, (VOID **) &pointer, SERVER_POOL_SIZE, TX_NO_WAIT);
/* Check server packet pool memory allocation. */
if (ret != NX_SUCCESS)
printf("Packet pool memory allocation failed : 0x%02x\n", ret);
/* Create the server packet pool. */
ret = nx_packet_pool_create(&WebServerPool, "HTTP Server Packet Pool", SERVER_PACKET_SIZE, nx_server_pool, SERVER_POOL_SIZE);
/* Check for server pool creation status. */
if (ret != NX_SUCCESS)
printf("Server pool creation failed : 0x%02x\n", ret);
/* Allocate the server stack. */
ret = tx_byte_allocate(byte_pool, (VOID **) &pointer, SERVER_STACK, TX_NO_WAIT);
/* Check server stack memory allocation. */
if (ret != NX_SUCCESS)
printf("Server stack memory allocation failed : 0x%02x\n", ret);
Here some memory handling takes place: Server packet pool and server stack are allocated, and their allocation is checked. If it fails, a debug message is displayed and the error handler function called. Most threads and functions from now on will have this error checking functionality.
The next step is to allocate memory and create threads for all services going to be used. HTTP server, web server thread, a thread to blink the LED, and a link thread are all created in this portion, also memory allocation for all these services and the TCP server thread.
/* Create the HTTP Server. */
ret = nx_web_http_server_create(&HTTPServer, "WEB HTTP Server", &NetXDuoEthIpInstance, CONNECTION_PORT,&Flash_Media, pointer,
SERVER_STACK, &WebServerPool, NX_NULL, webserver_request_notify_callback);
if (ret != NX_SUCCESS)
printf("HTTP Server creation failed: 0x%02x\n", ret);
/* Allocate the TCP server thread stack. */
ret = tx_byte_allocate(byte_pool, (VOID **) &pointer, 2 * DEFAULT_MEMORY_SIZE, TX_NO_WAIT);
/* Check server thread memory allocation. */
if (ret != NX_SUCCESS)
printf("Server thread memory allocation failed : 0x%02x\n", ret);
/* create the web server thread */
ret = tx_thread_create(&AppServerThread, "App Server Thread", nx_server_thread_entry, 0, pointer, 2 * DEFAULT_MEMORY_SIZE,
if (ret != TX_SUCCESS)
/* Allocate the memory for toggle green led thread */
if (tx_byte_allocate(byte_pool, (VOID **) &pointer, DEFAULT_MEMORY_SIZE, TX_NO_WAIT) != TX_SUCCESS)
/* create the LED control thread */
ret = tx_thread_create(&LedThread, "LED control Thread", LedThread_Entry, 0, pointer, DEFAULT_MEMORY_SIZE,
if (ret != TX_SUCCESS)
/* Allocate the memory for Link thread */
if (tx_byte_allocate(byte_pool, (VOID **) &pointer,2 * DEFAULT_MEMORY_SIZE, TX_NO_WAIT) != TX_SUCCESS)
/* create the Link thread */
ret = tx_thread_create(&AppLinkThread, "App Link Thread", App_Link_Thread_Entry, 0, pointer, 2 * DEFAULT_MEMORY_SIZE,
if (ret != TX_SUCCESS)
With this, the user code MX_NetXDuo_Init is complete, moving on to the nx_app_thread_entry function. Error handling features must be added to the error user code sections.
/* USER CODE BEGIN IP address change callback error */
/* Error, call error handler.*/
/* USER CODE END IP address change callback error */
/* USER CODE BEGIN DHCP client start error */
/* Error, call error handler.*/
/* USER CODE END DHCP client start error */
/* USER CODE BEGIN DHCPSemaphore get error */
/* Error, call error handler.*/
/* USER CODE END DHCPSemaphore get error */
Lastly in this thread function, in the /* USER CODE BEGIN Nx_App_Thread_Entry 2 */, the IP address must be acquired and printed. Given that the network is correctly initialized, the web server thread resumes, and the main thread is relinquished.
/* USER CODE BEGIN Nx_App_Thread_Entry 2 */
/* get IP address */
ret = nx_ip_address_get(&NetXDuoEthIpInstance, &IpAddress, &NetMask);
if (ret != TX_SUCCESS)
/* the network is correctly initialized, start the WEB server thread */
/* this thread is not needed any more, we relinquish it */
/* USER CODE END Nx_App_Thread_Entry 2 */
Inside the /*USER CODE 1*/ section, a few threads must be created. They manage most of the application functions, such as LED blinking, server command handling, and html page opening.
The first thread to be created is a callback to handle all possible web server requests.
UINT webserver_request_notify_callback(NX_WEB_HTTP_SERVER *server_ptr, UINT request_type, CHAR *resource, NX_PACKET *packet_ptr)
CHAR temp_string[30] = {'\0'};
CHAR data[512] = {'\0'};
UINT string_length;
NX_PACKET *resp_packet_ptr;
UINT status;
ULONG resumptions;
ULONG suspensions;
ULONG idle_returns;
ULONG non_idle_returns;
ULONG total_bytes_sent;
ULONG total_bytes_received;
ULONG connections;
ULONG disconnections;
ULONG main_thread_count;
ULONG server_thread_count;
ULONG led_thread_count;
CHAR *main_thread_name;
CHAR *server_thread_name;
CHAR *led_thread_name;
* At each new request we toggle the green led, but in a real use case this callback can serve
* to trigger more advanced tasks, like starting background threads or gather system info
* and append them into the web page.
/* Get the requested data from packet */
if (strcmp(resource, "/GetTXData") == 0)
/* Let HTTP server know the response has been sent. */
tx_thread_performance_system_info_get(&resumptions, &suspensions, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &non_idle_returns, &idle_returns);
sprintf (data, "%lu,%lu,%lu,%lu", resumptions, suspensions, idle_returns, non_idle_returns);
else if (strcmp(resource, "/GetNXData") == 0)
nx_tcp_info_get(&NetXDuoEthIpInstance, NULL, &total_bytes_sent, NULL, &total_bytes_received, NULL, NULL, NULL, &connections, &disconnections, NULL, NULL);
sprintf (data, "%lu,%lu,%lu,%lu",total_bytes_received, total_bytes_sent, connections, disconnections);
else if (strcmp(resource, "/GetNetInfo") == 0)
sprintf(data, "%lu.%lu.%lu.%lu,%d", (IpAddress >> 24) & 0xff, (IpAddress >> 16) & 0xff, (IpAddress >> & 0xff, IpAddress& 0xff, CONNECTION_PORT);
else if (strcmp(resource, "/GetTxCount") == 0)
tx_thread_info_get(&NxAppThread, &main_thread_name, NULL, &main_thread_count, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
tx_thread_info_get(&AppServerThread, &server_thread_name, NULL, &server_thread_count, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
tx_thread_info_get(&LedThread, &led_thread_name, NULL, &led_thread_count, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
sprintf (data, "%s,%lu ,%s,%lu,%s,%lu", main_thread_name, main_thread_count, server_thread_name, server_thread_count,led_thread_name, led_thread_count);
else if (strcmp(resource, "/GetNXPacket") == 0)
sprintf (data, "%lu", NxAppPool.nx_packet_pool_available);
else if (strcmp(resource, "/GetNXPacketlen") == 0)
sprintf (data, "%lu", (NxAppPool.nx_packet_pool_available_list)->nx_packet_length );
else if (strcmp(resource, "/LedOn") == 0)
printf(" Toggling Green Led On \n");
else if (strcmp(resource, "/LedOff") == 0)
printf(" Toggling Green Led Off \n");
return NX_SUCCESS;
/* Derive the client request type from the client request. */
nx_web_http_server_type_get(server_ptr, server_ptr -> nx_web_http_server_request_resource, temp_string, &string_length);
/* Null terminate the string. */
temp_string[string_length] = '\0';
/* Now build a response header with server status is OK and no additional header info. */
status = nx_web_http_server_callback_generate_response_header(server_ptr, &resp_packet_ptr, NX_WEB_HTTP_STATUS_OK,
strlen(data), temp_string, NX_NULL);
status = _nxe_packet_data_append(resp_packet_ptr, data, strlen(data), server_ptr->nx_web_http_server_packet_pool_ptr, NX_WAIT_FOREVER);
/* Now send the packet! */
status = nx_web_http_server_callback_packet_send(server_ptr, resp_packet_ptr);
if (status != NX_SUCCESS)
return status;
Web server requests come from the html page or the script under it. The resource string is the request being sent by the web server, such as LedOn. This string is programmed either in the script or the html page itself, this case being the first option.
This figure shows the script for the LED toggle slider button on the dashboard.html page provided.
This figure shows the id of the slider element toggling the LED in the web server page. It is possible to implement your own code if you edit the script for new buttons or extra display spaces. This allows you to append ADC data, PWM channel handling, and many other functionalities.
Next up, a small vector must be created to allow the application to understand exactly what type of file it is transporting to present it on the web page.
* @brief Application thread for HTTP web server
* thread_input : thread input
* @retval None
static NX_WEB_HTTP_SERVER_MIME_MAP app_mime_maps[] =
{"css", "text/css"},
{"svg", "image/svg+xml"},
{"png", "image/png"},
{"jpg", "image/jpg"}
The next thread is the main thread of the application, being the one responsible for opening the web server content from the LevelX nor driver and starting the HTTP server.
void nx_server_thread_entry(ULONG thread_input)
UINT status;
/* Open the levelx_nor driver. */
status = fx_media_open(&Flash_Media, "STM32_SDIO_DISK", fx_stm32_levelx_nor_driver, (VOID *)LX_NOR_SIMULATOR_DRIVER_ID, DataBuffer, sizeof(DataBuffer));
/* Check the media opening status. */
if (status != FX_SUCCESS)
/*Print Media Opening error. */
printf("FX media opening failed : 0x%02x\n", status);
/* Error, call error handler.*/
/* Print Media Opening Success. */
printf("Fx media successfully opened.\n");
fx_media_space_available(&Flash_Media, &free_bytes);
status = nx_web_http_server_mime_maps_additional_set(&HTTPServer,&app_mime_maps[0], 4);
/* Start the WEB HTTP Server. */
status = nx_web_http_server_start(&HTTPServer);
/* Check the WEB HTTP Server starting status. */
if (status != NX_SUCCESS)
/* Print HTTP WEB Server starting error. */
printf("HTTP WEB Server Starting Failed, error: 0x%02x\n", status);
/* Error, call error handler.*/
/* Print HTTP WEB Server Starting success. */
printf("HTTP WEB Server successfully started.\n");
/* LED1 On. */
The last threads to be created are responsible for LED toggling and Ethernet cable disconnection handling.
void LedThread_Entry(ULONG thread_input)
(void) thread_input;
/* Infinite loop */
while (1)
HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(LD1_GPIO_Port, LD1_Pin);
/* Delay for 500ms (App_Delay is used to avoid context change). */
* @brief Link thread entry
* thread_input: ULONG thread parameter
* @retval none
static VOID App_Link_Thread_Entry(ULONG thread_input)
ULONG actual_status;
UINT linkdown = 0, status;
/* Get Physical Link status. */
status = nx_ip_interface_status_check(&NetXDuoEthIpInstance, 0, NX_IP_LINK_ENABLED,
&actual_status, 10);
if(status == NX_SUCCESS)
if(linkdown == 1)
linkdown = 0;
status = nx_ip_interface_status_check(&NetXDuoEthIpInstance, 0, NX_IP_ADDRESS_RESOLVED,
&actual_status, 10);
if(status == NX_SUCCESS)
/* The network cable is connected again. */
printf("The network cable is connected again.\n");
/* Print Webserver Client is available again. */
printf("Webserver Client is available again.\n");
/* The network cable is connected. */
printf("The network cable is connected.\n");
/* Send command to Enable Nx driver. */
nx_ip_driver_direct_command(&NetXDuoEthIpInstance, NX_LINK_ENABLE,
/* Restart DHCP Client. */
if(0 == linkdown)
linkdown = 1;
/* The network cable is not connected. */
printf("The network cable is not connected.\n");
With these threads, all the modifications required in the app_netxduo.c file are done.
In this header file a few definitions must be added. Mostly setting thread priorities, a small IPv4 printing macro, and some memory pool size configurations.
#define PRINT_IP_ADDRESS(addr) do { \
printf("%s: %lu.%lu.%lu.%lu \n", #addr, \
(addr >> 24) & 0xff, \
(addr >> 16) & 0xff, \
(addr >> & 0xff, \
addr& 0xff);\
/* Pirority IP creation */
#define LINK_PRIORITY 11
/*Packet payload size */
/* Packet pool size */
#define NX_PACKET_POOL_SIZE ((1536 + sizeof(NX_PACKET)) * 50)
/* APP Cache size */
#define ARP_CACHE_SIZE 1024
/* Wait option for getting @IP */
#define WAIT_OPTION 1000
/* Entry input for Main thread */
#define ENTRY_INPUT 0
/* Main Thread priority */
#define THREAD_PRIO 4
/* Main Thread preemption threshold */
/* Web application size */
#define WEB_APP_SIZE 2048
/* Memory size */
#define MEMORY_SIZE 2048
/* HTTP connection port */
/* Server packet size */
/* Server stack */
#define SERVER_STACK 4096
/* Server pool size */
/* SD Driver information pointer */
The last file to be modified is the flash linker descriptor. The following code must be pasted in line 165, being responsible for creating a few memory locations to hold both descriptors and memory pool sections.
.tcp_sec 0x24030000 (NOLOAD) : {
. = ABSOLUTE(0x24030000);
. = ABSOLUTE(0x24030060);
.nx_data 0x24030100 (NOLOAD):
. = ABSOLUTE(0x24030100);
. = ABSOLUTE(0x24034100);
With the linker descriptor modification, all coding is complete. Using the ctrl + B shortcut initiates the code compile, and it may take a few minutes to complete.
After the code is done building it must be downloaded into the microcontroller, as well as the web content binary file containing the web pages and all its assets. They can be downloaded in any order, but to make things easier it is recommended to first download the web content.
To download a binary to a specific address of the microcontroller, the STM32CubeProgrammer software must be used. After launching the software, press the ‘+’ tab besides ‘Device memory’ to open a file
Search for the web content binary file and open it. Connect the Nucleo board to the computer and press the green connect button on the top right corner. Afterwards, connecting the target information should be displayed on the bottom right corner and a "connected" text on the top right corner.
After making sure that the board is correctly connected, right-click the blue download button (2) and change the address to the one configured as the LevelX nor driver, 0x08100000 (3). After this, press enter, and the binary file will be downloaded to this address.
Once the download is successful disconnect the board and move back to STM32CubeIDE.
To download the code, there are two options: run mode and debug mode. Debug is preferred for the first launch since it makes error checking easier, thus it is going to be the method demonstrated here.
In STM32CubeIDE, left click the debug button or press F11.
A pop-up appears to configure the debug session, as the default settings are recommended, simply press ok on the bottom right corner.
The project is rebuilt, and the perspective should be switched to the debug perspective. Now, the code is ready to run,
A terminal interface is required for IP address checking and code flow, as well as specific debug. You can either use our favorite terminal software or set up the built-in terminal in STM32CubeIDE.
To configure the terminal, left click the console options on the bottom right corner and select command shell console
A setup pop-up appears, the connection type must be set to serial port, encoding to UTF-8, and press the new button to set up the serial port settings. Choose your USART3 configuration and press finish then ok.
Make sure to connect the board using an RJ45 cable to a router or switch, then allow the code to run by pressing the resume button or the F8 shortcut.
On the terminal the following messages should be displayed if all steps were done correctly, the IP address varying based on your network’s addressing and architecture.
Make sure that the computer is connected to the same network as the board is, be it via wireless connection or wired. Type the IP address into a browser, followed by either one of the three html pages present in the provided binary file: /about.html; /index.html; or /dashboard.html. The latter providing performance data collected from ThreadX and NetXDuo, and a toggle switch to toggle the board’s green LED blink.
With the information displayed here, it should be possible to recreate and edit this application to develop your own web server, using the NetXDuo middleware and its support for the HTTP protocol. Creating new web pages with advanced features and applications is dependent on the developer. Integrating them into the memory is facilitated by the presented tool. We hope you enjoyed this material!
Here are some related links that can help you in your developments using our peripheral:
ST Wiki – Introduction to NETXDUO
MOOC – STM32 Azure RTOS workshop
Hello @B.Montanari ,
that is really useful tutorial. I used Nx_WebServer example as a project template before, but your article explains a lot of details and how to do it step by step.
What interests me the most, is how to convert web content into .bin format. I see you attached FxImageCreator and I tried to use it, but it throws error 137. I am trying to generate image from web content from project example Nx_WebServer for STM32F429ZI - it appears to be almost identical to H753ZI example. Please could you help me, or at least explain what does that error mean?
Also, on my Windows machine when tried to download FxImageCreator.7z via Edge browser, it was blocked due to detected virus. Please could you investigate that too?
Hi @Faust
While we wait for @B.Montanaris response I'd like to address your issue regarding the virus detection.
I can replicate the error on web_demo_bin.7z (the download gets blocked by my security software) but not on the FxImageCreator.7z file. This is a false positive flagged by your security software. We look to investigate and solve this issue ASAP.
Please see the following links for results provided by Virustotal to the files downloaded:
FxImageCreator.7z results
web_demo_bin.7z results.
Best regards,
Hello @Faust
I was a contributor to this article so I will answer in B.Montanaris' place.
Here is an example command that creates a file called 'image_test.bin', with a Image size of 1MB (1048576 bytes) FileX sector size of 512 (default value for FileX) and Physical block size of 1024. The path to which the folder structure to be converted to a binary file is '.bin' the output file is called 'image_test.bin'
FxImageCreator.exe -S 1048576 -s 512 -b1024 -r .bin -o image_test.bin
Note that I had to use cd command to the directory where FxImageCreator.exe file is located, and the .bin folder is also in the same directory.
Please let me know if this helps you as an example.
Best regards,
Hello @Lucas_Costa
It worked properly with parameters you suggested. I guess physical block size was the main issue, I was using value suggested in readme file (65536). I only changed one thing in your example - it did not work with '.bin' but simply 'bin'. Are you planning to release this tool also for Linux? Or is using wine the official way to use it on Linux?
Although image creator seems to be working, output image does not work properly. My attempt: create image from web content files from example Nx_WebServer for STM32F429ZI. Output image differs from web_content.bin included in the example. After writing new image to the flash at 0x08100000 and reboot server starts properly and properly opens Fx media (info from debug via uart). But, I am unable to open index.html or dashboard.html, I get information saying that file (index.html or dasboard.html) could not be found on the server. But, flashing original web_content.bin included in the example brings everything back.
In the example, in .ioc file LevelX settings seem to be the same (NOR Flash Size: 1024*1024, Sectors per block: 2, NOR Flash Simulator Sector Size: 512) as parameters passed to FxImageCreator (-S 1048576 -s 512 -b 1024).
Is the original .bin file created with different tool? Is that caused by mcu differences?
Helo @Laurids_PETERSEN
Thank you for your interest in my issue. It seems although web_demo_bin.7z gets blocked on your machine, virustotal marks FxImageCreator.7z as a virus rather than web_demo_bin.7z. That is very odd. I hope it is possible to fix this issue so none of the files will get blocked by av software in the future.
Thank you both for your help.
Best regards,
The block size mentioned in the readme file is related to a NOR Flash standalone device. However, this parameter should be modified to match the physical block size of the Flash memory that you are using.
The Linux compatible implementation should be coming shortly.
Let me try to follow your trail here. You tried creating an image based on the files present on the web_content folder for the STM32F4 example and that didn't work ? https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/x-cube-azrtos-f4/tree/main/Projects/STM32F429ZI-Nucleo/Applications/NetXDuo/Nx_WebServer/Web_Content
For instance, if you want to create an image based on the folder linked above, you should allocate FxImageCreator.exe file on the Nx_WebServer folder, cd to it and run the following cmd:
FxImageCreator.exe -S 1048576 -s 512 -b1024 -r Web_Content -o image_test.bin
But please note that you will have to the *.bin file already inside the Web_content folder, otherwise the tool will return error 0xa meaning the files you tried to create an image with were too big for the selected image size.
Yes, that is correct. I tried:
- copying FxImageCreator to Nx_WebServer folder
- removing web_demo.bin from Nx_WebServer/Web_Content folder
- running FxImageCreator.exe -S 1048576 -s 512 -b1024 -r Web_Content -o image_test.bin
It generates an image, but:
- when uploaded this image to mcu, results in server being unable to find files supposed to be contained in image
- this image differs from the one delivered with example project (to be verified in any binary file viewer
I tried it on both Windows and Linux machine (via Wine on Linux), but the results are the same. One difference is that image generated on Linux via Wine also differs from the one generated on Windows.
Can you please open an online support ticket in this link so I can further assist you ? https://ols.st.com/s/
During my testing I never faced such problems, so i'd like to dig in deeper, if you don't mind. Kindly include my initials (LC) and the ticket will be assigned to me.
I opened a ticket: https://ols.st.com/s/case/500Ty000004OkQpIAK/generating-filex-image-containing-web-content-for-http-server
I hope I filled the form properly. Thank you for your support.
A follow up on this issue for all members.
The correct way to setup and use the FxImageCreator is the following:
1- Create a temporary directory. Inside it, place both the tool's *.exe and another folder containing the web content you want to generate your image with.
2- Open a command prompt and change directory to the web content folder: cd C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\Temp\Web_Content
3- FxImageCreator.exe cannot be placed inside the web_content folder, so it must be called from it's absolute path
4- Call the image creator exe file with the -r (root directory) argument as '.': C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\Temp\FxImageCreator.exe -S 1048576 -s 512 -b 1024 -r . -o image_test.bin.
This should generate an image that can be read by FileX.
Dear @Lucas_Costa,
I tested your FxImageCreator, I finally got it to work in my use case, however it only works partially (there are only around half of the expected files in the output binary)
A simple description of my program and use case: I have a custom board (minimalistic STM32H743VIH board with basically only USB FS. There is an USB-X Device RNDIS and NetX HTTP server. On top of it, there is a FTP server. I only need a read-only FileX filesystem to hold the website assets so I decided to go for a sideloaded binary and using the LevelX NOR Simulator with pointer to 0x08060000.
This works, it mounts the filesystem prepared by your tool properly, I can even check via Filezilla FTP client. However my "resources" folder which contains some javascripts and CSS style files does not unfortunately contain all the files. Your tool showed no error (see the output).
I triple checked, there should be enough space in the 1664kB (1703936 Bytes) filesystem (total included files size = 1383902 Bytes)
Is it not enough space for the output binary? Or other issue / bug in the FileX binary builder tool?
Can you please try yourself?
This is the output:
..\FxImageCreator.exe -S 1703936 -s 1024 -b 2048-r . -o ..\output.bin
===============> Configuration <===============
Image Size :1703936
FileX Sector Size :1024
Physical block size :2048
Root directory :.
Output file :..\output.bin
Bin image ' ..\output.bin' ready!
See the picture - left panel shows expected files, right panel is the actual STM32's sideloaded binary content
Ad.: FileX sideloaded binary prepared using DOS FAT12/FAT16 (formatted in Windows 10, using a virtual ImDisk drive mounted to a .bin file) does not work at all - FileX can't read such a filesystem. It might be by design, but it is a bit unfortunate given the fact the old FatFS implementation could read these Filesystems just fine
Looking forward to hear any helpful advice.
Hello @MatasOn222
To help you with this issue, can you pleas open an online support ticket on this page https://ols.st.com/s/.
You can then post a link to it in here and i'll be able to help you with the files.
Best Regards,
Hi @Lucas_Costa,
I am trying to follow along using the NUCLEO-H743ZI. It appears to me that the memory addresses should be the same as posted here for the NUCLEO-H753ZI, and I have followed all other instructions. However, every time I try to run it gets stuck on "Looking for the DHCP Server." In my debugging it appears that it is just stuck waiting for the semaphore to be unlocked. I am very new to these middlewares as I have only spent time with LWIP ethernet protocols. I used Wireshark and can see that the entire DHCP process goes through and the router acks the Nucleo's IP request. I can also ping the Nucleo using the IP address found from the DHCP request.
Not sure if this is too relevant but many times on startup the print output also will show "Network cable not connected.. Network Cable Connected" Even though the cable is always connected and the link light stays active.
EDIT: When trying to connect to server via browser using the IP address discovered in Wireshark the packets:
SYN -> RST, ACK [repeat 3 times]
TCP Port Numbers reused -> RST,ACK [repeat many times]
Thank you.
Hey @EthanMankins,
The STMH743 and STM32H753 microcontrollers are extremely similar. They only differ on Crypto hardware acceleration, which is not used in this article, meaning everything else is exactly the same so you shouldn't worry about this. You could even load an H753 firmware into an H743 and if no hardware crypto is used, everything works perfectly :)
If you followed all instructions in this article precisely, it should work without problems, so i am more inclined to believe this is some sort of hardware issue, specially because of the "Network cable not connected.. Network Cable Connected" you reported. Make sure you have the most up to date x-cube AZRTOS H7 package, together with the recent CubeMX and your preferred IDE releases. On top of that, have you made any modifications to this nucleo board ?
A good way to isolate between a hardware or software issue is to try and run one of our examples. My suggestion is this LwIP example: STM32CubeH7/Projects/NUCLEO-H743ZI/Applications/LwIP/LwIP_HTTP_Server_Netconn_RTOS at master · STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeH7 · GitHub just make sure you follow the readme instructions and enable the DHCP client functionalities.
Please let me know of the results on your tests.
Best Regards,
this post is incredibly detailed and offers the opportunity to those like me who are trying to use the ThreadX operating system with ethernet features for the first time.
I am following the tutorial step by step but I got stuck when you have to change the nx_app_thread_entry function().
This function is not present in the app_netxduo.c file.
I am using a STM32F767ZI board and, during the setup via the graphical interface (the .ioc file) I was unable to set these parameters because they were missing:
LevelX: NOR Simulator Driver
NetXDuo - AzureRTOS Application Configuration: NetXDuo Pool Size in number of P...
NetXduo - AzureRTOS Application Configuration: NetXDuo IP Instance Thread Size
I post some screenshots for theese missing configuration parameters of the .ioc file.
I hope you can help me.
Kind regards,
Hey @UserGabriele
Thanks for the compliments, and i'm sorry you are facing this issue. I actually faced the very same issue a few weeks ago when I was using this material as reference for an application on another STM32F7 microcontroller. The issue here is that the Middleware used to produce this article is in version 6.2, as you can see in a few of it's images. The latest AzureRTOS release for the F7 family is in version 6.1, that's why a few of the check-boxes and even code generated are missing.
My suggestion is that you try and follow this git hub example: x-cube-azrtos-f7/Projects/STM32F769I-Discovery/Applications/NetXDuo/Nx_WebServer at main · STMicroelectronics/x-cube-azrtos-f7 · GitHub
This code will be sufficient for all RTOS and NetX related configurations and code. The only thing you'll need to make different is the LevelX part, since this example showcases a SD card as data container. My recommendation of the FileX and LevelX configuration and coding is to follow this example: x-cube-azrtos-f4/Projects/STM32F429ZI-Nucleo/Applications/NetXDuo/Nx_WebServer at main · STMicroelectronics/x-cube-azrtos-f4 · GitHub
It was built for the F4 family, but the middleware configuration (in cubeMX) and coding are exactly the same.
I wish you luck in your applications, and please let me know if you face any other issues :)
Best regards,
Hi @Lucas_Costa ,
Thank you for providing this valuable information.
I will start studying the various examples and the related documentation right away, I will be happy to let you know the results!
Thanks again,
Hello @Lucas_Costa ,
I set up the project from .ioc file as described in the example for cortex F7 for the parts related to ThreadX, NetXDuo, etc. while I followed the example for cortex F4 to set up the part related to LevelX and FileX.
Unfortunately, I got stuck on the code.
All the examples show a lot of code that I can't understand if I have to modify to readapt to my project or if they should be left as they are.
I also noticed that when compiling the project returns 4 errors related to variables/pointers not declared in the app_netxduo.c file.
As for the app_nextduo.h file I noticed that the code creates a constant WEB_APP_SIZE to which it assigns a value of 2048 (I assume bytes). What does this constant mean? Is it the size of the files (html, css, js)?
I saw that on the example projects a web page in .bin format is loaded into memory, how can I get that binary file starting from the 3 original files (html, css, js)?
Best regards.
Hey @UserGabriele ,
For the coding part, most of it is done inside the app_netxduo.c file really. The only parts you need to actually write are the ones inside USER CODE sections. For instance, both the pointer and IpInstance handlers are created in the USER CODE PRIVATE VARIABLES section.
You don't seem to have created those handlers in your code, or they have different names.
Regarding the define you mentioned, I am not entirely sure of what it's role is, since it only appears once in the entire project and if taken out, the application still works correctly.
The size of the web page files interfere only on the file system portion of this application, so for the example we are talking, they cannot take more than 1MB of data.
The binary I used was generated by a software described in the 4th paragraph of this articles introduction. It is called FxImageCreator and it is also attached to the article.
Best Regards,
hi @Lucas_Costa,
thanks for the informations.
These days I'm studying the configuration of system files and folders.
it's quite a complex system for beginners but with the official ThreadX documentation it's easier to understand how it works.
For me it's quite difficult because in this period I'm studying the courses of operating systems and internet networks at university and from the book to the actual program there's a long way to go, it's not so simple to implement those notions within ThreadX and STM32CubeIDE for the first time :grinning_face_with_sweat:.
In these weeks I will continue to work on it, in case I encounter any problems I'll be happy to write to you!
Thank you.
Best regards,
Dear @Lucas_Costa, @B.Montanar
thank you for your good explanations, I was able to start my web server according to these explanations, but I had a problem to convert it to HTTPS according to these examples(https://github.com/eclipse-threadx/rtos-docs/blob/main/rtos-docs/netx-duo/netx-duo-web-http/chapter2.md),
and this error is shown on my browser page : (firefox)Error code: SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP
I would be very grateful if you could help me in this matter
this is the part of my code
Best Regards,
Hello @alisey
Thanks for the reply ! I will look into this issue and get back to you as soon as I can.
If you have any insights in the mean time, please let me know.
Best Regards,
Hey @alisey
I analyzed the NetX documentation further and noticed that there's a few extra steps to enable secure connections. If you could please enter an OLS ticket in this link https://ols.st.com/s/, we could exchange more information in private such as your code and more details on your application. If you enter the ticket, please mention my name so it is directed to me 'Lucas Costa'.
Looking forward to hearing from you so we can work together on this issue.
Best Regards,
Doesn't MPU region 1 have to have the address aligned to 0x20000 (since the size is 128KB). I was having issues until I moved everything to 0x24040000. When a large number of packets was allocated, I started getting memory corruption issues, I think from the DMA and cache, so I think the address 0x24030000 does not properly protect the entire 128KB region. Could you confirm this is the case? Thanks!