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X-CUBE-Matter unable to add to CubeIDE 1.14.1

Alec Davis 2021
Associate III

After downloading and attempting to install from a local folder, as CubeIDE 1.14.1 nor 1.15.1 have it listed as a package yet.

It asks for the .zip or .pack file, shortly after selecting the zip file I get the message as in the snip below.

Tried on 3 different Windows 11 pro 64bit machines, from a Core i5 to a Core i9 13900.




ST Employee

Hello @Alec Davis 2021 

The X-Cube-Matter is not yet supported on the Current version but it will be supported ASAP. For Now, you have to start from one of the existing examples and adapt it to your needs.

Best Regards.


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