2019-10-14 4:10 AM
I'm trying to flash the FUS and BLE_stack to the co-processor, but the CubeProgrammer drops me the error below. I could not even delete the previous FUS as the release note said. Same error message. The flash was erased by changing the protection byte to 0xBB and then back to 0xAA. Could that be my problem? The MCU is on a custom PCB, and the important parts are the same as on the WB55-Nucleo and I'm using a nucleo with s-link to program through SWD. The application runs perfectly on the M4 (except the bluetooth part).
So the error message is: "Error: Could not execute fwupgrade command, Security extension not instantiated".
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
2019-10-25 7:33 AM
Yes it is normal. I forgot to mentionned that this command is not supported via the SWD port.
So please go on with the RF stack update.
2019-10-30 12:12 PM
After the the successful 'fwdelete' command, at the FUS upgrade I get errors (FUS_STATE_IMG_NOT_AUTHENTIC, fwupgrade command failure), but after that I tried to upload the BLE_stack to 0x080CC000, and it said it was successful. Yet, the RF stack still doesn't start.
Do I suppose to do someting with the boot0 pin during all that, or just left it as it is (down to ground with a10k)?
(Btw, this is the MCU we desoldered from a nucleo dongle and it was working on that PCB, so what could be the problem which cause all this? Our custom PCB is almost the same as the dongle PCB, there is a few I/O pin difference, that's all. The code which is running on the M4, is written with the help of the WB55 workshop, it's basically the HandsOn_2 code.)
2019-10-31 9:06 AM
If the BLE RF stack is from the CubeWB FW package V1.3.0, the load address should be 0x080CB000 as it is one sector bigger.
Once all your pieces of SW are programmed in Flash memory, BOOT0 should be set to 0 to start execution from the main Flash memory.