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Thread UDP send example for STM32WB

Associate II

I want to use the OpenThread UDP API. So far I implemented the UDP datagram reception without any problems. Sending a datagram using the CLI works fine. When it comes to sending a datagram via the API I always get either OT_ERROR_INVALID_SOURCE_ADDRESS or OT_ERROR_DROP when I call the otUdpSend function.

The invalid source address seems to be a problem with the otIp6GetUnicastAddresses and otThreadGetLinkLocalIp6Address functions. Both of them are returning addresses like "::" instead of the Link-Local or other valid addresses. Are those functions correctly implemented?

Can someone please provide a fully working example how to send a UDP datagram using the OpenThread API on an STM32WBxx?

Thank you very much.

Currently used STM32CubeWB is 1.4