2021-11-17 7:04 AM
Hi All,
I'm creating a TTN application using a STM32WLE5JC. After configuring the LoRaWAN application in STM32CubeIDE I have been able to send an OTAA join request to a gateway using the credentials provided by the TTN application. I can see the join request being accepted in the TTN console and I can also see the radio activity in SDRsharp.
My problem is the following:
Even though the TTN application accepts my OTAA request, my LoRa application on the STM32 always end up with a "MAC txTimeOut" message over the debug trace output. I can see that this message always appears 4 seconds after the OTAA Tx. Looking at the TTN console and the local radio activity, I can see that the gateway does in fact respond, but it takes about 5 seconds.
My assumption is that the gateway takes longer to reply to the join request, and that the STM32 thus ignores this late reply.
Some more information:
This issue may be related to this issue and/or this issue. There seem to be quite some discussion on the TTN forums which mention that the join delay should indeed be around 6 seconds.
Can anybody tell me what the root of this problem can be? Is this an issue with my device configuration, TTN configuration or something different?
Any help is much appreciated!