2021-03-19 1:17 AM
Hello all,
I was developing LoRaWAN applications on MICROCHIP products for many years, recently I switched to STM32 platform. I have developed many applications with STM32L0 + SX1272 combination which worked perfectly. Now I have decided to move to new STM32WL series. I am running my applications on Nucleo board very well but when i switch to my custom board i have some suffer because of TCXO. Since I needed PB0 pin for other purposes I decided to use external HSE oscillator instead of TCXO. Now I try to run my application on my custom board but it seems not working. How can I run LoRaWAN_End_Node application from STM32Cube_FW_WL_V1.0.0 without TCXO? Here you can find the reference nucleo design from ST and my oscillatos at above images. Thanks for help.
2021-04-20 7:24 AM
you have to set IS_TCXO_SUPPORTED to 0 in \LoRaWAN\Target\radio_board_if.h.
This will tell the FIRMARE to used TCXO but XO