2021-06-17 12:32 AM
Hello guys,
I'm currently working on a STM32WB55VGY and I have some problem setting up the Zigbee network.
Using the example I found in the repository I was able to create a simple Zigbee network using the preconfiguredLinkKey.
Now I would like to go further and trying using the network key to protect the communication but I found some problem setting the network with the network key.
From the source code, I read that
" /**< Configures the Network Key with key type set to ZB_SEC_KEYTYPE_STANDARD_NWK.* Only applicable if startupControl is ZbStartTypePreconfigured. */"
So I configured
zigbee_app_info.startupControl = ZbStartTypePreconfigured;
Then I Setup the Extended Pan ID to a Random value (From the Source code " *If startupControl is ZbStartTypePreconfigured a non-zero extendedPanId must be provided.")
ZbNwkSet(zigbee_app_info.zb, ZB_NWK_NIB_ID_ExtendedPanId, &PanId , 8);
And then I start up the ZigBee with the command
status = ZbStartupWait(zigbee_app_info.zb, &config);
But from the Callback, i received the answer
Any of you have ever tried to set up a Zigbee network using a network key?
2021-11-15 7:48 AM
Network Key settings
By default, Network Key is randomly generated by the Zigbee Coordinator at network formation.
Forcing network key value is achievable but is not a common practice.
Changing network key is only relevant if Zigbee network security was harmed.
To force network key value before Zigbee network formation, you need to :
· Set custom network key after having called ZbStartupConfigGetProDefaults(&config);
o memcpy (config.security.networkKey, sec_key_network_custom, ZB_SEC_KEYSIZE);
· Update startupControl from ZbStartTypeForm to ZbStartTypePreconfigured
· You should also set following parameters :
o ZC short address => config.shortAddress = 0x0000;
o Extended Pan Id => config.extendedPanId
o Pan Id => config.panId
o Network Manager Address => config.networkManagerAddress
o Network Key Sequence Number => config.security.networkKeySeqNum
More information can be found in AN-5500 section 4.5.2.