/* USER CODE BEGIN Header */ /** ****************************************************************************** * @file App/app_zigbee.c * @author MCD Application Team * @brief Zigbee Application. ****************************************************************************** * @attention * * Copyright (c) 2024 STMicroelectronics. * All rights reserved. * * This software is licensed under terms that can be found in the LICENSE file * in the root directory of this software component. * If no LICENSE file comes with this software, it is provided AS-IS. * ****************************************************************************** */ /* USER CODE END Header */ /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "app_common.h" #include "app_entry.h" #include "dbg_trace.h" #include "app_zigbee.h" #include "zigbee_interface.h" #include "shci.h" #include "stm_logging.h" #include "app_conf.h" #include "stm32wbxx_core_interface_def.h" #include "zigbee_types.h" #include "stm32_seq.h" /* Private includes -----------------------------------------------------------*/ #include #include "zcl/zcl.h" #include "zcl/general/zcl.basic.h" #include "zcl/general/zcl.onoff.h" #include "zcl/general/zcl.color.h" #include "zcl/general/zcl.level.h" #include "zcl/general/zcl.temp.meas.h" #include "zcl/general/zcl.wcm.h" /* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */ #include "../../Core/User_Code/RGB/RGB.h" /* USER CODE END Includes */ /* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* USER CODE BEGIN PTD */ /* USER CODE END PTD */ /* Private defines -----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define APP_ZIGBEE_STARTUP_FAIL_DELAY 500U #define CHANNEL 11 #define SW1_ENDPOINT 20 #define SW2_ENDPOINT 21 #define SW3_ENDPOINT 22 #define SW4_ENDPOINT 23 /* USER CODE BEGIN PD */ #define HUMIDITY_MIN_2 0 #define HUMIDITY_MAX_2 100 #define TEMP_MIN_2 -20 #define TEMP_MAX_2 100 #define TEMP_TOLERANCE_2 1 #define HUMIDITY_MIN_3 0 #define HUMIDITY_MAX_3 100 #define HUMIDITY_MIN_4 0 #define HUMIDITY_MAX_4 100 /* USER CODE END PD */ /* Private macros ------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* USER CODE BEGIN PM */ /* USER CODE END PM */ /* External definition -------------------------------------------------------*/ enum ZbStatusCodeT ZbStartupWait(struct ZigBeeT *zb, struct ZbStartupT *config); /* USER CODE BEGIN ED */ /* USER CODE END ED */ /* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/ static void APP_ZIGBEE_StackLayersInit(void); static void APP_ZIGBEE_ConfigEndpoints(void); static void APP_ZIGBEE_NwkForm(void); static void APP_ZIGBEE_TraceError(const char *pMess, uint32_t ErrCode); static void APP_ZIGBEE_CheckWirelessFirmwareInfo(void); static void Wait_Getting_Ack_From_M0(void); static void Receive_Ack_From_M0(void); static void Receive_Notification_From_M0(void); static void APP_ZIGBEE_ProcessNotifyM0ToM4(void); static void APP_ZIGBEE_ProcessRequestM0ToM4(void); /* USER CODE BEGIN PFP */ void APP_ZIGBEE_ConfigBasicServer(void); /* Defines for Basic Cluster Server */ #define APP_ZIGBEE_MFR_NAME "Valentin" #define APP_ZIGBEE_CHIP_NAME "Valentin88" #define APP_ZIGBEE_CHIP_VERSION 0x10 // Cut 1.0 #define APP_ZIGBEE_BOARD_POWER 0x00 // No Power #define APP_ZIGBEE_APP_DATE_CODE "20241021" #define APP_ZIGBEE_APP_BUILD_ID "V1.0-A69" #define APP_ZIGBEE_APP_VERSION 0x10 // Application Version v1.0 #define APP_ZIGBEE_STACK_VERSION 0x10 // Stack Version v1.0 /* USER CODE END PFP */ /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/ static TL_CmdPacket_t *p_ZIGBEE_otcmdbuffer; static TL_EvtPacket_t *p_ZIGBEE_notif_M0_to_M4; static TL_EvtPacket_t *p_ZIGBEE_request_M0_to_M4; static __IO uint32_t CptReceiveNotifyFromM0 = 0; static __IO uint32_t CptReceiveRequestFromM0 = 0; PLACE_IN_SECTION("MB_MEM1") ALIGN(4) static TL_ZIGBEE_Config_t ZigbeeConfigBuffer; PLACE_IN_SECTION("MB_MEM2") ALIGN(4) static TL_CmdPacket_t ZigbeeOtCmdBuffer; PLACE_IN_SECTION("MB_MEM2") ALIGN(4) static uint8_t ZigbeeNotifRspEvtBuffer[sizeof(TL_PacketHeader_t) + TL_EVT_HDR_SIZE + 255U]; PLACE_IN_SECTION("MB_MEM2") ALIGN(4) static uint8_t ZigbeeNotifRequestBuffer[sizeof(TL_PacketHeader_t) + TL_EVT_HDR_SIZE + 255U]; struct zigbee_app_info { bool has_init; struct ZigBeeT *zb; enum ZbStartType startupControl; enum ZbStatusCodeT join_status; uint32_t join_delay; bool init_after_join; struct ZbZclClusterT *basic_client_1; struct ZbZclClusterT *onOff_server_1; struct ZbZclClusterT *colorControl_server_1; struct ZbZclClusterT *levelControl_server_1; struct ZbZclClusterT *basic_client_2; struct ZbZclClusterT *temperature_meas_server_2; struct ZbZclClusterT *water_content_server_2; struct ZbZclClusterT *water_content_server_3; struct ZbZclClusterT *water_content_server_4; }; static struct zigbee_app_info zigbee_app_info; /* OnOff server 1 custom callbacks */ static enum ZclStatusCodeT onOff_server_1_off(struct ZbZclClusterT *cluster, struct ZbZclAddrInfoT *srcInfo, void *arg); static enum ZclStatusCodeT onOff_server_1_on(struct ZbZclClusterT *cluster, struct ZbZclAddrInfoT *srcInfo, void *arg); static enum ZclStatusCodeT onOff_server_1_toggle(struct ZbZclClusterT *cluster, struct ZbZclAddrInfoT *srcInfo, void *arg); static struct ZbZclOnOffServerCallbacksT OnOffServerCallbacks_1 = { .off = onOff_server_1_off, .on = onOff_server_1_on, .toggle = onOff_server_1_toggle, }; /* ColorControl server 1 custom callbacks */ static enum ZclStatusCodeT colorControl_server_1_move_to_color_xy(struct ZbZclClusterT *cluster, struct ZbZclColorClientMoveToColorXYReqT *req, struct ZbZclAddrInfoT *srcInfo, void *arg); static struct ZbZclColorServerCallbacksT ColorServerCallbacks_1 = { .move_to_color_xy = colorControl_server_1_move_to_color_xy, }; /* LevelControl server 1 custom callbacks */ static enum ZclStatusCodeT levelControl_server_1_move_to_level(struct ZbZclClusterT *cluster, struct ZbZclLevelClientMoveToLevelReqT *req, struct ZbZclAddrInfoT *srcInfo, void *arg); static struct ZbZclLevelServerCallbacksT LevelServerCallbacks_1 = { .move_to_level = levelControl_server_1_move_to_level, }; /* USER CODE BEGIN PV */ struct XY_colors colors = {0}; int test = 0; int test1 = 10; extern struct RGB_obj OBJ_RGB_LED; // REGB object bool flag_joining_finished = false; /* USER CODE END PV */ /* Functions Definition ------------------------------------------------------*/ /* OnOff server off 1 command callback */ static enum ZclStatusCodeT onOff_server_1_off(struct ZbZclClusterT *cluster, struct ZbZclAddrInfoT *srcInfo, void *arg) { /* USER CODE BEGIN 0 OnOff server 1 off 1 */ uint8_t endpoint; //ZbZclAttrIntegerWrite(zigbee_app_info.water_content_client_2, ZCL_WC_MEAS_ATTR_MEAS_VAL, test1--); endpoint = ZbZclClusterGetEndpoint(cluster); if (endpoint == SW1_ENDPOINT) { APP_DBG("LED_RED OFF"); RGB_turn_off(&OBJ_RGB_LED); (void)ZbZclAttrIntegerWrite(cluster, ZCL_ONOFF_ATTR_ONOFF, 0); } else { /* Unknown endpoint */ return ZCL_STATUS_FAILURE; } return ZCL_STATUS_SUCCESS; /* USER CODE END 0 OnOff server 1 off 1 */ } /* OnOff server on 1 command callback */ static enum ZclStatusCodeT onOff_server_1_on(struct ZbZclClusterT *cluster, struct ZbZclAddrInfoT *srcInfo, void *arg) { /* USER CODE BEGIN 1 OnOff server 1 on 1 */ uint8_t endpoint; endpoint = ZbZclClusterGetEndpoint(cluster); if (endpoint == SW1_ENDPOINT) { APP_DBG("LED_RED ON"); RGB_turn_on(&OBJ_RGB_LED); (void)ZbZclAttrIntegerWrite(cluster, ZCL_ONOFF_ATTR_ONOFF, 1); flag_joining_finished = true; ZbZclAttrIntegerWrite(zigbee_app_info.temperature_meas_server_2, ZCL_WC_MEAS_ATTR_MEAS_VAL, 12); } else { /* Unknown endpoint */ return ZCL_STATUS_FAILURE; } return ZCL_STATUS_SUCCESS; /* USER CODE END 1 OnOff server 1 on 1 */ } /* OnOff server toggle 1 command callback */ static enum ZclStatusCodeT onOff_server_1_toggle(struct ZbZclClusterT *cluster, struct ZbZclAddrInfoT *srcInfo, void *arg) { /* USER CODE BEGIN 2 OnOff server 1 toggle 1 */ uint8_t attrVal; if (ZbZclAttrRead(cluster, ZCL_ONOFF_ATTR_ONOFF, NULL, &attrVal, sizeof(attrVal), false) != ZCL_STATUS_SUCCESS) { return ZCL_STATUS_FAILURE; } if (attrVal != 0) { return onOff_server_1_off(cluster, srcInfo, arg); } else { return onOff_server_1_on(cluster, srcInfo, arg); } /* USER CODE END 2 OnOff server 1 toggle 1 */ } /* ColorControl server move_to_color_xy 1 command callback */ static enum ZclStatusCodeT colorControl_server_1_move_to_color_xy(struct ZbZclClusterT *cluster, struct ZbZclColorClientMoveToColorXYReqT *req, struct ZbZclAddrInfoT *srcInfo, void *arg) { /* USER CODE BEGIN 3 ColorControl server 1 move_to_color_xy 1 */ uint8_t endpoint; endpoint = ZbZclClusterGetEndpoint(cluster); if (endpoint == SW1_ENDPOINT) { RGB_set_xy(&OBJ_RGB_LED, req->color_x, req->color_y); (void)ZbZclAttrIntegerWrite(cluster, ZCL_COLOR_ATTR_CURRENT_X, req->color_x); (void)ZbZclAttrIntegerWrite(cluster, ZCL_COLOR_ATTR_CURRENT_Y, req->color_y); } else { /* Unknown endpoint */ return ZCL_STATUS_FAILURE; } return ZCL_STATUS_SUCCESS; /* USER CODE END 3 ColorControl server 1 move_to_color_xy 1 */ } /* LevelControl server move_to_level 1 command callback */ static enum ZclStatusCodeT levelControl_server_1_move_to_level(struct ZbZclClusterT *cluster, struct ZbZclLevelClientMoveToLevelReqT *req, struct ZbZclAddrInfoT *srcInfo, void *arg) { /* USER CODE BEGIN 4 LevelControl server 1 move_to_level 1 */ uint8_t endpoint; endpoint = ZbZclClusterGetEndpoint(cluster); if (endpoint == SW1_ENDPOINT) { RGB_set_brightness(&OBJ_RGB_LED, req->level); (void)ZbZclAttrIntegerWrite(cluster, ZCL_LEVEL_ATTR_CURRLEVEL, req->level); } else { /* Unknown endpoint */ return ZCL_STATUS_FAILURE; } return ZCL_STATUS_SUCCESS; /* USER CODE END 4 LevelControl server 1 move_to_level 1 */ } /** * @brief Zigbee application initialization * @param None * @retval None */ void APP_ZIGBEE_Init(void) { SHCI_CmdStatus_t ZigbeeInitStatus; APP_DBG("APP_ZIGBEE_Init"); /* Check the compatibility with the Coprocessor Wireless Firmware loaded */ APP_ZIGBEE_CheckWirelessFirmwareInfo(); /* Register cmdbuffer */ APP_ZIGBEE_RegisterCmdBuffer(&ZigbeeOtCmdBuffer); /* Init config buffer and call TL_ZIGBEE_Init */ APP_ZIGBEE_TL_INIT(); /* Register task */ /* Create the different tasks */ UTIL_SEQ_RegTask(1U << (uint32_t)CFG_TASK_NOTIFY_FROM_M0_TO_M4, UTIL_SEQ_RFU, APP_ZIGBEE_ProcessNotifyM0ToM4); UTIL_SEQ_RegTask(1U << (uint32_t)CFG_TASK_REQUEST_FROM_M0_TO_M4, UTIL_SEQ_RFU, APP_ZIGBEE_ProcessRequestM0ToM4); /* Task associated with network creation process */ UTIL_SEQ_RegTask(1U << CFG_TASK_ZIGBEE_NETWORK_FORM, UTIL_SEQ_RFU, APP_ZIGBEE_NwkForm); /* USER CODE BEGIN APP_ZIGBEE_INIT */ /* USER CODE END APP_ZIGBEE_INIT */ /* Start the Zigbee on the CPU2 side */ ZigbeeInitStatus = SHCI_C2_ZIGBEE_Init(); /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */ UNUSED(ZigbeeInitStatus); /* Initialize Zigbee stack layers */ APP_ZIGBEE_StackLayersInit(); } /** * @brief Initialize Zigbee stack layers * @param None * @retval None */ static void APP_ZIGBEE_StackLayersInit(void) { APP_DBG("APP_ZIGBEE_StackLayersInit"); zigbee_app_info.zb = ZbInit(0U, NULL, NULL); assert(zigbee_app_info.zb != NULL); /* Create the endpoint and cluster(s) */ APP_ZIGBEE_ConfigEndpoints(); /* USER CODE BEGIN APP_ZIGBEE_StackLayersInit */ APP_ZIGBEE_ConfigBasicServer(); /* USER CODE END APP_ZIGBEE_StackLayersInit */ /* Configure the joining parameters */ zigbee_app_info.join_status = (enum ZbStatusCodeT) 0x01; /* init to error status */ zigbee_app_info.join_delay = HAL_GetTick(); /* now */ zigbee_app_info.startupControl = ZbStartTypeJoin; /* Initialization Complete */ zigbee_app_info.has_init = true; /* run the task */ UTIL_SEQ_SetTask(1U << CFG_TASK_ZIGBEE_NETWORK_FORM, CFG_SCH_PRIO_0); } /** * @brief Configure Zigbee application endpoints * @param None * @retval None */ static void APP_ZIGBEE_ConfigEndpoints(void) { struct ZbApsmeAddEndpointReqT req; struct ZbApsmeAddEndpointConfT conf; memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req)); /* Endpoint: SW1_ENDPOINT */ req.profileId = ZCL_PROFILE_HOME_AUTOMATION; req.deviceId = ZCL_DEVICE_ONOFF_SWITCH; req.endpoint = SW1_ENDPOINT; ZbZclAddEndpoint(zigbee_app_info.zb, &req, &conf); assert(conf.status == ZB_STATUS_SUCCESS); /* Basic client/server */ zigbee_app_info.basic_client_1 = ZbZclBasicClientAlloc(zigbee_app_info.zb, SW1_ENDPOINT); assert(zigbee_app_info.basic_client_1 != NULL); ZbZclClusterEndpointRegister(zigbee_app_info.basic_client_1); /* OnOff server */ zigbee_app_info.onOff_server_1 = ZbZclOnOffServerAlloc(zigbee_app_info.zb, SW1_ENDPOINT, &OnOffServerCallbacks_1, NULL); assert(zigbee_app_info.onOff_server_1 != NULL); ZbZclClusterEndpointRegister(zigbee_app_info.onOff_server_1); /* ColorControl server */ struct ZbColorClusterConfig colorServerConfig_1 = { .callbacks = ColorServerCallbacks_1, /* Please complete the other attributes according to your application: * .capabilities //uint8_t (e.g. ZCL_COLOR_CAP_HS) * .enhanced_supported //bool */ /* USER CODE BEGIN Color Server Config (endpoint1) */ .capabilities = ZCL_COLOR_CAP_XY, /* USER CODE END Color Server Config (endpoint1) */ }; zigbee_app_info.colorControl_server_1 = ZbZclColorServerAlloc(zigbee_app_info.zb, SW1_ENDPOINT, zigbee_app_info.onOff_server_1, NULL, 0, &colorServerConfig_1, NULL); assert(zigbee_app_info.colorControl_server_1 != NULL); ZbZclClusterEndpointRegister(zigbee_app_info.colorControl_server_1); /* LevelControl server */ zigbee_app_info.levelControl_server_1 = ZbZclLevelServerAlloc(zigbee_app_info.zb, SW1_ENDPOINT, zigbee_app_info.onOff_server_1, &LevelServerCallbacks_1, NULL); assert(zigbee_app_info.levelControl_server_1 != NULL); ZbZclClusterEndpointRegister(zigbee_app_info.levelControl_server_1); /* Endpoint: SW2_ENDPOINT */ req.profileId = ZCL_PROFILE_HOME_AUTOMATION; req.deviceId = ZCL_DEVICE_SIMPLE_SENSOR; req.endpoint = SW2_ENDPOINT; ZbZclAddEndpoint(zigbee_app_info.zb, &req, &conf); assert(conf.status == ZB_STATUS_SUCCESS); /* Basic client/server */ zigbee_app_info.basic_client_2 = ZbZclBasicClientAlloc(zigbee_app_info.zb, SW2_ENDPOINT); assert(zigbee_app_info.basic_client_2 != NULL); ZbZclClusterEndpointRegister(zigbee_app_info.basic_client_2); /* Temperature meas server */ zigbee_app_info.temperature_meas_server_2 = ZbZclTempMeasServerAlloc(zigbee_app_info.zb, SW2_ENDPOINT, TEMP_MIN_2, TEMP_MAX_2, TEMP_TOLERANCE_2); assert(zigbee_app_info.temperature_meas_server_2 != NULL); ZbZclClusterEndpointRegister(zigbee_app_info.temperature_meas_server_2); /* Water content server */ zigbee_app_info.water_content_server_2 = ZbZclWaterContentMeasServerAlloc(zigbee_app_info.zb, SW2_ENDPOINT, ZCL_CLUSTER_MEAS_HUMIDITY, HUMIDITY_MIN_2, HUMIDITY_MAX_2); assert(zigbee_app_info.water_content_server_2 != NULL); ZbZclClusterEndpointRegister(zigbee_app_info.water_content_server_2); /* Endpoint: SW3_ENDPOINT */ req.profileId = ZCL_PROFILE_HOME_AUTOMATION; req.deviceId = ZCL_DEVICE_SIMPLE_SENSOR; req.endpoint = SW3_ENDPOINT; ZbZclAddEndpoint(zigbee_app_info.zb, &req, &conf); assert(conf.status == ZB_STATUS_SUCCESS); /* Water content server */ zigbee_app_info.water_content_server_3 = ZbZclWaterContentMeasServerAlloc(zigbee_app_info.zb, SW3_ENDPOINT, ZCL_CLUSTER_MEAS_HUMIDITY, HUMIDITY_MIN_3, HUMIDITY_MAX_3); assert(zigbee_app_info.water_content_server_3 != NULL); ZbZclClusterEndpointRegister(zigbee_app_info.water_content_server_3); /* Endpoint: SW4_ENDPOINT */ req.profileId = ZCL_PROFILE_HOME_AUTOMATION; req.deviceId = ZCL_DEVICE_SIMPLE_SENSOR; req.endpoint = SW4_ENDPOINT; ZbZclAddEndpoint(zigbee_app_info.zb, &req, &conf); assert(conf.status == ZB_STATUS_SUCCESS); /* Water content server */ zigbee_app_info.water_content_server_4 = ZbZclWaterContentMeasServerAlloc(zigbee_app_info.zb, SW4_ENDPOINT, ZCL_CLUSTER_MEAS_HUMIDITY, HUMIDITY_MIN_4, HUMIDITY_MAX_4); assert(zigbee_app_info.water_content_server_4 != NULL); ZbZclClusterEndpointRegister(zigbee_app_info.water_content_server_4); /* USER CODE BEGIN CONFIG_ENDPOINT */ ZbZclAttrIntegerWrite(zigbee_app_info.water_content_server_2, ZCL_WC_MEAS_ATTR_MEAS_VAL, test++); /* USER CODE END CONFIG_ENDPOINT */ } /** * @brief Handle Zigbee network forming and joining * @param None * @retval None */ static void APP_ZIGBEE_NwkForm(void) { if ((zigbee_app_info.join_status != ZB_STATUS_SUCCESS) && (HAL_GetTick() >= zigbee_app_info.join_delay)) { struct ZbStartupT config; enum ZbStatusCodeT status; /* Configure Zigbee Logging */ ZbSetLogging(zigbee_app_info.zb, ZB_LOG_MASK_LEVEL_5, NULL); /* Attempt to join a zigbee network */ ZbStartupConfigGetProDefaults(&config); /* Set the centralized network */ APP_DBG("Network config : APP_STARTUP_CENTRALIZED_ROUTER"); config.startupControl = zigbee_app_info.startupControl; /* Using the default HA preconfigured Link Key */ memcpy(config.security.preconfiguredLinkKey, sec_key_ha, ZB_SEC_KEYSIZE); config.channelList.count = 1; config.channelList.list[0].page = 0; config.channelList.list[0].channelMask = 1 << CHANNEL; /*Channel in use */ /* Using ZbStartupWait (blocking) */ status = ZbStartupWait(zigbee_app_info.zb, &config); APP_DBG("ZbStartup Callback (status = 0x%02x)", status); zigbee_app_info.join_status = status; if (status == ZB_STATUS_SUCCESS) { zigbee_app_info.join_delay = 0U; zigbee_app_info.init_after_join = true; APP_DBG("Startup done !\n"); /* USER CODE BEGIN 5 */ // flag_joining_finished = true; /* USER CODE END 5 */ } else { APP_DBG("Startup failed, attempting again after a short delay (%d ms)", APP_ZIGBEE_STARTUP_FAIL_DELAY); zigbee_app_info.join_delay = HAL_GetTick() + APP_ZIGBEE_STARTUP_FAIL_DELAY; /* USER CODE BEGIN 6 */ /* USER CODE END 6 */ } } /* If Network forming/joining was not successful reschedule the current task to retry the process */ if (zigbee_app_info.join_status != ZB_STATUS_SUCCESS) { UTIL_SEQ_SetTask(1U << CFG_TASK_ZIGBEE_NETWORK_FORM, CFG_SCH_PRIO_0); } /* USER CODE BEGIN NW_FORM */ /* USER CODE END NW_FORM */ } /************************************************************* * ZbStartupWait Blocking Call *************************************************************/ struct ZbStartupWaitInfo { bool active; enum ZbStatusCodeT status; }; static void ZbStartupWaitCb(enum ZbStatusCodeT status, void *cb_arg) { struct ZbStartupWaitInfo *info = cb_arg; info->status = status; info->active = false; UTIL_SEQ_SetEvt(EVENT_ZIGBEE_STARTUP_ENDED); } enum ZbStatusCodeT ZbStartupWait(struct ZigBeeT *zb, struct ZbStartupT *config) { struct ZbStartupWaitInfo *info; enum ZbStatusCodeT status; info = malloc(sizeof(struct ZbStartupWaitInfo)); if (info == NULL) { return ZB_STATUS_ALLOC_FAIL; } memset(info, 0, sizeof(struct ZbStartupWaitInfo)); info->active = true; status = ZbStartup(zb, config, ZbStartupWaitCb, info); if (status != ZB_STATUS_SUCCESS) { free(info); return status; } UTIL_SEQ_WaitEvt(EVENT_ZIGBEE_STARTUP_ENDED); status = info->status; free(info); return status; } /** * @brief Trace the error or the warning reported. * @param ErrId : * @param ErrCode * @retval None */ void APP_ZIGBEE_Error(uint32_t ErrId, uint32_t ErrCode) { switch (ErrId) { default: APP_ZIGBEE_TraceError("ERROR Unknown ", 0); break; } } /************************************************************* * * LOCAL FUNCTIONS * *************************************************************/ /** * @brief Warn the user that an error has occurred. * * @param pMess : Message associated to the error. * @param ErrCode: Error code associated to the module (Zigbee or other module if any) * @retval None */ static void APP_ZIGBEE_TraceError(const char *pMess, uint32_t ErrCode) { APP_DBG("**** Fatal error = %s (Err = %d)", pMess, ErrCode); /* USER CODE BEGIN TRACE_ERROR */ /* USER CODE END TRACE_ERROR */ } /** * @brief Check if the Coprocessor Wireless Firmware loaded supports Zigbee * and display associated information * @param None * @retval None */ static void APP_ZIGBEE_CheckWirelessFirmwareInfo(void) { WirelessFwInfo_t wireless_info_instance; WirelessFwInfo_t *p_wireless_info = &wireless_info_instance; if (SHCI_GetWirelessFwInfo(p_wireless_info) != SHCI_Success) { APP_ZIGBEE_Error((uint32_t)ERR_ZIGBEE_CHECK_WIRELESS, (uint32_t)ERR_INTERFACE_FATAL); } else { APP_DBG("**********************************************************"); APP_DBG("WIRELESS COPROCESSOR FW:"); /* Print version */ APP_DBG("VERSION ID = %d.%d.%d", p_wireless_info->VersionMajor, p_wireless_info->VersionMinor, p_wireless_info->VersionSub); switch (p_wireless_info->StackType) { case INFO_STACK_TYPE_ZIGBEE_FFD: APP_DBG("FW Type : FFD Zigbee stack"); break; case INFO_STACK_TYPE_ZIGBEE_RFD: APP_DBG("FW Type : RFD Zigbee stack"); break; default: /* No Zigbee device supported ! */ APP_ZIGBEE_Error((uint32_t)ERR_ZIGBEE_CHECK_WIRELESS, (uint32_t)ERR_INTERFACE_FATAL); break; } /* print the application name */ char *__PathProject__ = (strstr(__FILE__, "Zigbee") ? strstr(__FILE__, "Zigbee") + 7 : __FILE__); char *pdel = NULL; if((strchr(__FILE__, '/')) == NULL) { pdel = strchr(__PathProject__, '\\'); } else { pdel = strchr(__PathProject__, '/'); } int index = (int)(pdel - __PathProject__); APP_DBG("Application flashed: %*.*s", index, index, __PathProject__); /* print channel */ APP_DBG("Channel used: %d", CHANNEL); /* print Link Key */ APP_DBG("Link Key: %.16s", sec_key_ha); /* print Link Key value hex */ char Z09_LL_string[ZB_SEC_KEYSIZE*3+1]; Z09_LL_string[0] = 0; for (int str_index = 0; str_index < ZB_SEC_KEYSIZE; str_index++) { sprintf(&Z09_LL_string[str_index*3], "%02x ", sec_key_ha[str_index]); } APP_DBG("Link Key value: %s", Z09_LL_string); /* print clusters allocated */ APP_DBG("Clusters allocated are:"); APP_DBG("basic Client on Endpoint %d", SW1_ENDPOINT); APP_DBG("onOff Server on Endpoint %d", SW1_ENDPOINT); APP_DBG("colorControl Server on Endpoint %d", SW1_ENDPOINT); APP_DBG("levelControl Server on Endpoint %d", SW1_ENDPOINT); APP_DBG("basic Client on Endpoint %d", SW2_ENDPOINT); APP_DBG("temperature_meas Server on Endpoint %d", SW2_ENDPOINT); APP_DBG("water_content Server on Endpoint %d", SW2_ENDPOINT); APP_DBG("water_content Server on Endpoint %d", SW3_ENDPOINT); APP_DBG("water_content Server on Endpoint %d", SW4_ENDPOINT); APP_DBG("**********************************************************"); } } /************************************************************* * * WRAP FUNCTIONS * *************************************************************/ void APP_ZIGBEE_RegisterCmdBuffer(TL_CmdPacket_t *p_buffer) { p_ZIGBEE_otcmdbuffer = p_buffer; } Zigbee_Cmd_Request_t * ZIGBEE_Get_OTCmdPayloadBuffer(void) { return (Zigbee_Cmd_Request_t *)p_ZIGBEE_otcmdbuffer->cmdserial.cmd.payload; } Zigbee_Cmd_Request_t * ZIGBEE_Get_OTCmdRspPayloadBuffer(void) { return (Zigbee_Cmd_Request_t *)((TL_EvtPacket_t *)p_ZIGBEE_otcmdbuffer)->evtserial.evt.payload; } Zigbee_Cmd_Request_t * ZIGBEE_Get_NotificationPayloadBuffer(void) { return (Zigbee_Cmd_Request_t *)(p_ZIGBEE_notif_M0_to_M4)->evtserial.evt.payload; } Zigbee_Cmd_Request_t * ZIGBEE_Get_M0RequestPayloadBuffer(void) { return (Zigbee_Cmd_Request_t *)(p_ZIGBEE_request_M0_to_M4)->evtserial.evt.payload; } /** * @brief This function is used to transfer the commands from the M4 to the M0. * * @param None * @return None */ void ZIGBEE_CmdTransfer(void) { Zigbee_Cmd_Request_t *cmd_req = (Zigbee_Cmd_Request_t *)p_ZIGBEE_otcmdbuffer->cmdserial.cmd.payload; /* Zigbee OT command cmdcode range 0x280 .. 0x3DF = 352 */ p_ZIGBEE_otcmdbuffer->cmdserial.cmd.cmdcode = 0x280U; /* Size = otCmdBuffer->Size (Number of OT cmd arguments : 1 arg = 32bits so multiply by 4 to get size in bytes) * + ID (4 bytes) + Size (4 bytes) */ p_ZIGBEE_otcmdbuffer->cmdserial.cmd.plen = 8U + (cmd_req->Size * 4U); TL_ZIGBEE_SendM4RequestToM0(); /* Wait completion of cmd */ Wait_Getting_Ack_From_M0(); } /** * @brief This function is called when the M0+ acknowledge the fact that it has received a Cmd * * * @param Otbuffer : a pointer to TL_EvtPacket_t * @return None */ void TL_ZIGBEE_CmdEvtReceived(TL_EvtPacket_t *Otbuffer) { /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */ UNUSED(Otbuffer); Receive_Ack_From_M0(); } /** * @brief This function is called when notification from M0+ is received. * * @param Notbuffer : a pointer to TL_EvtPacket_t * @return None */ void TL_ZIGBEE_NotReceived(TL_EvtPacket_t *Notbuffer) { p_ZIGBEE_notif_M0_to_M4 = Notbuffer; Receive_Notification_From_M0(); } /** * @brief This function is called before sending any ot command to the M0 * core. The purpose of this function is to be able to check if * there are no notifications coming from the M0 core which are * pending before sending a new ot command. * @param None * @retval None */ void Pre_ZigbeeCmdProcessing(void) { UTIL_SEQ_WaitEvt(EVENT_SYNCHRO_BYPASS_IDLE); } /** * @brief This function waits for getting an acknowledgment from the M0. * * @param None * @retval None */ static void Wait_Getting_Ack_From_M0(void) { UTIL_SEQ_WaitEvt(EVENT_ACK_FROM_M0_EVT); } /** * @brief Receive an acknowledgment from the M0+ core. * Each command send by the M4 to the M0 are acknowledged. * This function is called under interrupt. * @param None * @retval None */ static void Receive_Ack_From_M0(void) { UTIL_SEQ_SetEvt(EVENT_ACK_FROM_M0_EVT); } /** * @brief Receive a notification from the M0+ through the IPCC. * This function is called under interrupt. * @param None * @retval None */ static void Receive_Notification_From_M0(void) { CptReceiveNotifyFromM0++; UTIL_SEQ_SetTask(1U << (uint32_t)CFG_TASK_NOTIFY_FROM_M0_TO_M4, CFG_SCH_PRIO_0); } /** * @brief This function is called when a request from M0+ is received. * * @param Notbuffer : a pointer to TL_EvtPacket_t * @return None */ void TL_ZIGBEE_M0RequestReceived(TL_EvtPacket_t *Reqbuffer) { p_ZIGBEE_request_M0_to_M4 = Reqbuffer; CptReceiveRequestFromM0++; UTIL_SEQ_SetTask(1U << (uint32_t)CFG_TASK_REQUEST_FROM_M0_TO_M4, CFG_SCH_PRIO_0); } /** * @brief Perform initialization of TL for Zigbee. * @param None * @retval None */ void APP_ZIGBEE_TL_INIT(void) { ZigbeeConfigBuffer.p_ZigbeeOtCmdRspBuffer = (uint8_t *)&ZigbeeOtCmdBuffer; ZigbeeConfigBuffer.p_ZigbeeNotAckBuffer = (uint8_t *)ZigbeeNotifRspEvtBuffer; ZigbeeConfigBuffer.p_ZigbeeNotifRequestBuffer = (uint8_t *)ZigbeeNotifRequestBuffer; TL_ZIGBEE_Init(&ZigbeeConfigBuffer); } /** * @brief Process the messages coming from the M0. * @param None * @retval None */ static void APP_ZIGBEE_ProcessNotifyM0ToM4(void) { if (CptReceiveNotifyFromM0 != 0) { /* Reset counter */ CptReceiveNotifyFromM0 = 0; Zigbee_CallBackProcessing(); } } /** * @brief Process the requests coming from the M0. * @param None * @retval None */ static void APP_ZIGBEE_ProcessRequestM0ToM4(void) { if (CptReceiveRequestFromM0 != 0) { CptReceiveRequestFromM0 = 0; Zigbee_M0RequestProcessing(); } } /* USER CODE BEGIN FD_LOCAL_FUNCTIONS */ void APP_ZIGBEE_cyclic_reporting(struct APP_ZIGBEE_cyclic_data *data){ if(flag_joining_finished){ ZbZclAttrIntegerWrite(zigbee_app_info.water_content_server_2, ZCL_WC_MEAS_ATTR_MEAS_VAL, 13); ZbZclAttrIntegerWrite(zigbee_app_info.water_content_server_2, ZCL_WC_MEAS_ATTR_MEAS_VAL, data->humidity); ZbZclAttrIntegerWrite(zigbee_app_info.water_content_server_3, ZCL_WC_MEAS_ATTR_MEAS_VAL, data->soil_moisture_1); ZbZclAttrIntegerWrite(zigbee_app_info.water_content_server_4, ZCL_WC_MEAS_ATTR_MEAS_VAL, data->soil_moisture_2); }} /** * @brief Configure Zigbee Basic Server Cluster * @param None * @retval None */ void APP_ZIGBEE_ConfigBasicServer(void) { static struct ZbZclBasicServerDefaults stBasicServerDefaults; /* Initialize Basic Server Cluster 'defaults' information */ memset( &stBasicServerDefaults, 0x00, sizeof(stBasicServerDefaults) ); stBasicServerDefaults.mfr_name[0] = sizeof( APP_ZIGBEE_MFR_NAME ); memcpy( &stBasicServerDefaults.mfr_name[1], APP_ZIGBEE_MFR_NAME, sizeof( APP_ZIGBEE_MFR_NAME ) ); stBasicServerDefaults.model_name[0] = sizeof( APP_ZIGBEE_CHIP_NAME ); memcpy( &stBasicServerDefaults.model_name[1], APP_ZIGBEE_CHIP_NAME, sizeof( APP_ZIGBEE_CHIP_NAME ) ); stBasicServerDefaults.date_code[0] = sizeof( APP_ZIGBEE_APP_DATE_CODE ); memcpy( &stBasicServerDefaults.date_code[1], APP_ZIGBEE_APP_DATE_CODE, sizeof( APP_ZIGBEE_APP_DATE_CODE ) ); stBasicServerDefaults.sw_build_id[0] = sizeof( APP_ZIGBEE_APP_BUILD_ID ); memcpy( &stBasicServerDefaults.sw_build_id[1], APP_ZIGBEE_APP_BUILD_ID, sizeof( APP_ZIGBEE_APP_BUILD_ID ) ); /* Version are on 8 bits : 3 bits for Major version and 5 bits for Minor version */ stBasicServerDefaults.app_version = (uint8_t)( ( APP_ZIGBEE_APP_VERSION & 0x70u ) << 1u ) | ( APP_ZIGBEE_APP_VERSION & 0x0Fu ); stBasicServerDefaults.stack_version = (uint8_t)( ( APP_ZIGBEE_STACK_VERSION & 0x70u ) << 1u ) | ( APP_ZIGBEE_STACK_VERSION & 0x0Fu ); stBasicServerDefaults.hw_version = (uint8_t)( ( APP_ZIGBEE_CHIP_VERSION & 0x70u ) << 1u ) | ( APP_ZIGBEE_CHIP_VERSION & 0x0Fu ); stBasicServerDefaults.power_source = APP_ZIGBEE_BOARD_POWER; /* Configure default Basic Server */ ZbZclBasicServerConfigDefaults( zigbee_app_info.zb , &stBasicServerDefaults ); } /* USER CODE END FD_LOCAL_FUNCTIONS */