2020-12-12 1:40 AM
Hello, I am from Turkey and I want to use my university project STM32WB55 SOC. However, I do not have the chance to obtain Murata production from band pass and low pass filters used in reference designs. MLPF-WB55-01E3 IPD will not be in stock until the project deadline.
2020-12-12 1:42 AM
How can I find an alternative?
2020-12-14 1:25 AM
Unfortunately, there is no second source.
The only way to replace it is to implement this matching network with discrete components.
2020-12-14 2:00 AM
Hi Sir,
yes I thought of doing so too. But can you help me on how to implement the bandpass filter used for harmonics with discrete components?
2020-12-14 6:35 AM
You can achieve this with the components described inside the red square in the picture below.
2020-12-14 9:58 AM
okay, so I understand this here, it would be okay if I don't use the low pass filter in the schematic.
2020-12-14 12:31 PM
This low pass filter issued to filter unwanted harmonics. Such filter is usually 50 ohms at both input and output. You may not need it. Up to you.
2020-12-14 4:31 PM
I will use STM32WB55 with the zigbee protocol for the control and data reading of iot end devices. Do you think it would be a problem to transmit and receive without filtering harmonics?
2020-12-15 1:22 AM
No. As long as you do not intend to go for certification, that's quite OK. You will get some harmonics but it should not disturb the communication.
2020-12-15 2:15 AM
Oh, thank you sir. Now I can end the project with peace of mind.