2019-08-09 4:06 PM
I am new to BLE and the STM32WB55. I want to get to a point where I can use the Nucleo board (MB1355C) to receive advertising messages which contain data. I was looking at the BLE example repository. I also attended the ST workshop for this microcontroller. If I understand right, these examples are meant to run on the STM32WB55 acting as the Server/Broadcaster/Peripheral while a smartphone operates as the Client/Observer/Central. Does anyone know if there are any examples of the STM32WB55 operating as the Client/Observer/Central?
Thanks and I appreciate the help.
2019-08-10 8:32 AM
Hi !
“P2Client�? in examples/BLE folder is full client/observer/central example.
2019-08-12 8:50 AM
Hi Vyacheslav. Thank you for replying. I want to make sure I am looking in the right location. I am examining STM32Cube\Repository\STM32Cube_FW_WB_V1.1.1\Projects\P-NUCLEO-WB55.Nucleo\Applications\BLE\BLE_p2pClient. Is that the location that you meant? In there I only see the one example. Perhaps I am misunderstanding.
2019-08-12 1:54 PM
Hi, Michael.
Yes, you are right, if you need to learn a client - that is current path:
What you mean " one example" ?
Client, Observer, Central - it's almost the same thing but at different levels.
Central - on GAP level
Client - on GATT level
Observer - advertising level
If you want something specific, then tell me what exactly.
2019-08-20 8:44 AM
You may download the last STM32Cube_FW_WB_V1.2.0 FW, from the st.com web site, which was delivered a few weeks ago.