2021-02-13 1:11 PM
I have a STM32WB55-Nucleo running the BLE_HeartRateFreeRTOS sample application. All works well for a while - I can scan and connect to it (from LightBlue on iOS) and read, write and subscribe to notifications. However, after approximately 40 mins, the application crashes.
My environment is:
The application crashes because it exits from the Idle Task in port.c as shown here (can't upload screenshot for some reason...):
/* Start the first task. */
/* Should never get here as the tasks will now be executing! Call the task
exit error function to prevent compiler warnings about a static function
not being called in the case that the application writer overrides this
functionality by defining configTASK_RETURN_ADDRESS. Call
vTaskSwitchContext() so link time optimisation does not remove the
symbol. */
vTaskSwitchContext(); <------ HALTS ON BREAKPOINT HERE
/* Should not get here! */
return 0;
I have:
Take note that the crash happens without interacting with the peripheral. If I start up the peripheral and leave it running without interacting with it in any way, the peripheral crashes after about 40 mins.
I would appreciate any assistance or pointers to help me debug this.
Kind regards,