2020-08-03 12:51 PM
I'm trying to put the STM32WB55 into standby mode and eventually wake it up using wakeup pin 1 (PA0), but it wakes up directly after the HAL_PWR_EnterSTANDBYMode() is executed. After that, I checked the PWR->SR1 and it had BLEWUF bit set, but I don't understand why because I have enabled only WAKEUP_PIN1 source. The second core is running full BLE stack and there are no interrupt flags pending at the time when I enter standby mode. I also clear all PWR->SR1 flags before entering standby mode.
Many thanks for help
2021-01-08 8:50 AM
I'm having the same problem.
After running the APPE_Init() function, entering Standby Mode takes reset and all reset flags appear as zero
2023-01-27 8:26 AM
Did you ever find a solution to this? I am having the same issue when trying to enter shutdown mode.