2020-06-19 2:41 AM
fails for channels 3 and 4
fails for channel 3
hci_le_transmitter_test(..) works on all channels
fails for channel 3,4,5,6
fails for 3,4
All fail with INVALID_HCI_CMD_PARAMS (0x12)
all methods fail regardless of the other supplied parameters.
What is causing this?
FUS: v1.1.0
Wireless Stack: v1.6.0
2020-06-24 2:46 AM
Is your board a custom board or a ST Nucleo board?
How do you launch these commands? do you use CubeMonitor-RF tool?
Did you program the board with the BLE_TransparentMode project?
2020-06-24 12:55 PM
It's a custom board.
The commands are launched by a custom HCI wrapper, I posted the code also here: https://community.st.com/s/question/0D53W00000A3RL8SAN/how-to-convert-bletransparentmodevcp-to-use-usart
A PC software then actually issues the commands and parses the responses.
I will try the BLE_TransparentMode firmware on a ST Nucleo board I have lying around, just to make sure.
2020-06-25 1:54 AM
Did you check with AN5270 the possible values expected for the parameters of the hci_le_enhanced_transmitter_test(..) and the other functions.
I must admit that it is strange that some parameters are valid for some channels and wrong for some others.
Any other errors would be OK as you may have some channels being weaker than others and the BLE controller is managing a map of all valid channels.
2020-06-25 2:18 AM
Of course I checked the expected values. And expectedly values outside of the valid range produce the INVALID_HCI_CMD_PARAMS error.
But additionally the mentioned channels result in the INVALID_HCI_CMD_PARAMS error.
Also the controller should not map valid/invalid channels, since I reset it right before issuing the commands. Definitely it should not do that for the tone_start and rx_start.
2020-06-25 2:38 AM
When the aci_hal_tone_start(..) fails for channels 3 and 4, what is the result?: no frequency at the output or just the INVALID_HCI_CMD_PARAMS error message?
2020-06-25 2:52 AM
There is no frequency output, all the commands also fail physically (so no frequency/packets for tone_start/transmitter_test)
2021-08-30 1:50 AM
Hello HRadt.1,
Has this issue been resolved? If it is solved can you share how you did it here?
2021-08-30 3:21 AM
Hi Sadik_A,
no solution has been found for this problem. Are you facing the same issue?
Maybe then ST can have a look into this.
2021-08-30 3:50 AM
Hello HRadt.1
Yes, I have same problem.