2019-05-14 4:34 AM
Im working on custom template from STM32WB Workshop HandsOn_3 with template BLE server. I've tried to add more custom characteristics (notify with variable values) to my service. Ive modified the code to the moment that I see them on the Client BLE app on my phone but ony one characteristic send the desired value (the last one).
Iva searched in the provided examples in STM32CubeWB but there is no example with 2 or more characteristics with notify/read property under one service.
Is there any instruction how to do that?
project in the attachment
2020-05-14 12:38 PM
I am working on a similar project based on HandsOn_3 also. I discovered some things that may help but my project doesn't work too. Maybe we should talk about this BLE thing.
2020-05-27 11:55 AM
Did you manage to solve this issue? I am dealing with the same problem.
2020-05-27 1:28 PM
I couldn’t yet but I guess I am on the way. My idea is generating a code with the latest mxcube that now supports almost the whole Bluetooth code generation and check what is generated when two or three characteristics are added. For this I guess it’s necessary to properly set the initial things in Mxcube according to bluetooth.com. But it also would be great if someone knows a step from step guide for this mxcube settings (I mean the Bluetooth settings)