2022-07-05 1:11 AM
A corner case has been recently identified with FUS v1.2.0. It is not possible to upgrade back-to-back a wireless firmware with a new version that is exactly one sector bigger than the installed version.
This limitation applies only when the running wireless firmware is not deleted before an upgrade is requested to the FUS (this is the default implementation case for all OTA applications). When using CubeProgrammer, there is no issue since the tool, by default, first delete the existing wireless stack before installing the new one.
From v1.14.1 Cube Firmware Release, the size of the wireless firmware binaries will be controlled to guarantee at least 2 sectors size difference between all generated binaries to work around the limitation.
The following wireless firmware from v1.14.0 do not comply with the rules that will be implemented to work around the limitation and should not be used in production if it is required to support the upgrade back-to-back of the wireless firmware with OTA:
The Cube Firmware patch release v1.14.1 is expected soon.
More details on FUS rules will be described in the updated AN5185.
Wiki pages will also be updated with note on this case.
Best Regards
2022-07-20 6:13 AM
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