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STM32L073RZ: HAL_UART_Receive inverse order of data when printing on terminal.

	HAL_UART_Receive(&huart2, (uint8_t*)msgToTransmit, MESSAGE_SIZE, HAL_MAX_DELAY);
	int index = 0;
	for (index = 0; index < MESSAGE_SIZE; index++) {
		PRINTF("\n\rmsg to transmit is hex: %x", msgToTransmit[index]);
		PRINTF("\n\rmsg to transmit is char: %c", msgToTransmit[index]);

I am developing an application to send data using LoRa. I use an STM32 L073RZ (with LoRa shield) connected to a Raspberry Pi via USB. Everything works fine: there is a Python script that every 10 minutes sends data to the STM32 board, and then the board sends the LoRa message.

I would like now to "analyze" the message before sending. I tried to print on terminal the message that I send and:

if I send: abcdefgh

the result of PRINTF() with hex is:

index = 0 --> 64636261

index = 1 --> 68676665

the result of PRINTF() with char is:

index = 0 --> a

index = 1 --> e

Any suggestion/idea?

Associate III


Print the data as bytes and not unsigned words and you will have no problems.

Don't forget that the processor is little-endian and so the first byte appears at the 3th byte position in the word when displayed as a long word (big-endian processors would display it in the first byte location in the long word).



Start by looking at the definition of the array msgToTransmit, you don't show it but assuming it is an array of 32-bit words.

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