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STM32 with Ebyte Lora


Hi everyone,

I am a student and I used arduino for now. I have stm32f4 disocvery board, stm32f103c8t6 and stm32f401ceu6. I have lora module E32-44t30D module which is working with UART. I was using these with arduino and there is a lot of library for it.

I searched from the internet but I couldn't find stm32 library for E32-44T30D ( It uses sx1278 UART).

I want to learn stm32 microcontrollers with C so I want to a project with these components.

I want to make single channel gateway with ESP32 and this lora module (I will do this with arduino).

On end node side, I want to use 3 stm32 with E32-44t30D but I couldn't find any library.

Is there a library for it ? ( If so can I comunicate Esp32(arduino code) and Stm32 modules (C code) )

I found one example, he doesn't use library,

He only uses these;




He used 2 stm32 with Ebyte 433MHz. He made point to point comunication.

Can I do this with (esp32 ardunio code as gateway) and (3 stm32 module as end node ) ?

If I don't use library, If I use with UART, will there be an increase in power consumption?