2022-06-16 8:32 AM
This device isn't connecting with the network that I have plan of connectivity LoRaWAN.
When I open the serial connection I see that the information is being read as it should. However, the connection to the network it's just not working at all. I used the commands from the user manual of the device to get the LoRa keys, and I put those in the network using the OTAA activation. Done that, the device just print " Rx TimeOut ", and the network doesn't receive any data...
I already tried different data rates, ADR on/off, change the keys... Just not work.
If you know something or have some documentation more explicitly than the original one, please give me some answer.
** Question moved @DSoar.2
2022-06-16 10:25 AM
@DSoar.2 "the network that I have plan of connectivity LoRaWAN"
What network is that? Are you sure that it has coverage at your location?
Are you sure that your device is correctly registered on that network?
"the network doesn't receive any data..."
How do you determine that?
2022-06-21 12:51 PM
So, I'm from Brazil and I'm using the Kora network, the connectivity is from them too. I'm absolutely sure that I have coverage at my location due to some tests I made with Heltec Lora ESP32 and even with this same network, and in that case worked.
So, in the network it's just doesn't show any downlinks or uplinks. The problem I'm sure is with the device, because I put the keys correctly and it's just not working.
Meanwhile, I was studying the device and I discovered that by default, the device lorawan frequencies are defined as EU868 and using OTAA. Now, I'm changing, in the firmware, the frequency for my region and also to ABP connection. I'm having some problems with updating the firmware, do you have any resource that could help me?
Thank you for you time.