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NUCLEO-WL55JC Distance Range

Associate II

Hello ST Expert ,

I'm using the NUCLEO-WL55JC1 for my project as Gateway and End-device.

I have one Gateway and 4 end device ( based on the same baord ) , i don't made any hardware change , and I'm using the SW delivered by STMicroelectronics.

I have an issue for the distance range between the Gateway and the End device.

I'm using the same configuration in all boards ( gateway and end-devices )

- SF = 11 ; Freq = 125Khz

- 22dbi

=> The maximum range is 100 metres 

So ,I changed the Antenna  I had 300 meters..but it is not enough for my projects.

At least i want 1000 metres to connect all End device.


Any Suggestion please I'm very blocked


Best Regards

Uwe Bonnes
Principal III

Place antennas as high as possible and as obstacle free as possible and things will improve.If transmitting nd receiving antennas have a line of sight and things do not work, look for other problems.

ST Employee

Hello @EmdSTM32WL 

With such a configuration and using the NUCLEO-WL55JC1 without any HW modification and using the STM32CubeWL examples, you should be able to have a 1000m range and even more using the LoRa communication.

To optimize the range, you can:

  • Use a high-gain antennas.
  • Avoid interference from other devices by minimizing the number of devices using a radio transmission in the same area. 
  • Try to minimize the signal attenuation by creating a clear line of sight between nodes and gateway.

PS: are you using an STM32WL as a gateway or a local concentrator?

Best Regards.


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Hello @STTwo-32 ,


Thank you for replying.

I'am using the Nucleo wih any HW modification and alos I'm using the ST FW .

I'm based on this example for the end device.

PATH  >> STM32Cube_FW_WL_V1.3.0\Projects\B-WL5M-SUBG1\Demonstrations\LocalNetwork_Sensor

For the Gateway i'm using the same board 

- Core M4 to mange the GPRS and Cloud networking

- Core M0+ to mange the LORA communication.


For the SW that manage the LORA communication ,I'm based on the example provided by ST also.

Really I'm bloked , i have to solve this issue ( distance range) because I will start to product for my customers.

Thank you in advance.

Best Regards,


Associate II

Hi @STTwo-32 ,

Any solution please ?

Thank you in advance.

Best Regards,

Hi again @EmdSTM32WL 

I can't find any issue on this. What I suggest you is to test using the LoRaWAN_End_Node example and a gateway such as the gateway combining the NUCLEO-F746ZG board and the expansion board (LRWAN_GS_HF1) as you can see here. Or any other Gateway on the market.

Best Regards


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Associate II

Hi @STTwo-32 


Thank you for returning.

ST Team has made any test with STM32WL SOC ?

Can you share some distance range video ?

With the same SW and HW I don't have the some results as you describe in website.

Why do you expect to change the ST HW by another ST HW to get more range ?

We talk about some hundred meters and in ST Website you say that we could get some KM !!


Best Regards,

Hi again, 

Sorry For my late feedback.

For sure a full characterization is done for any product delivered by ST to be aligned with the specification we provide in the datasheet. I suggest to change the HW setup as the Nucleo-WL55JC is mainly used as a node and not as a gateway.

Best Regards.


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Hello @STTwo-32 ,

Thank you for your reply.

ST don't have any hardware gateway Solution?

Is the gateway based on Stm32H7 can be the solution of py range distance problem?

Or you recommend to purchase or gateway from market?

Best regards 

ST does have the gateway combining the NUCLEO-F746ZG board and the expansion board (LRWAN_GS_HF1) that should do the job. But it is not recommanded for new design. You can take a look at the multitech gateway or you can connect our STM32WL to almost all gateways on the market.

Best Regards.


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