2018-04-05 7:15 AM
Hello. I'm working on a Lora project using the NUCLEO-L073RZ and the end-node application. I've a gateway that receives lora messages and transmits them to a network server. I've seen that the End node application sends periodically a lora message, (with a period of about ten seconds) and after about 6 minutes it stops to transmit. I can't understand how the application work and If I can unmount the timer server utility from the lora stack. My aim is to create an end node application that sends only when an interrupt arrives.
Thanks in advance for the help
#lora-nucleo-l073rz #lora #end-node-application2018-04-05 1:25 PM
do you have a serial port connected, ?
you must be getting an error, but you can't see it.
2018-04-05 11:58 PM
Yes I have the serial port but I don't have errors
2018-04-06 3:05 AM
I hope the LoRa Transmitter is not close to you.
its RF energy, its not good for you.
You will have to learn / walk through this section you mentioned:
'I can't understand how the application work and If I can unmount the timer server utility from the lora stack.'
2018-04-06 3:25 AM
I've the lora gateway on the same table of the end node. I receive the messages on the network server. But I would like to understand how to disable the automatic transmissions. I need to transmit only on an interrupt event
2018-04-06 7:01 AM
sorry I don't have the hardware on my desk to help you.
you need to become familiar with your code..
2018-08-20 7:24 AM
Hi Alessio,
Did you find a solution to the drop outs? I'm finding the same issue with both the End Node example and when using the AT Slave example and periodically sending messages via the UART.
2018-08-20 8:25 AM
Code has a lot of state transitions and arbitrary delays.
Rx has no chip level buffering, if you're not listening for the preamble/data you'll miss the whole packet.
Timeout period can be set inconveniently so it misses transmissions.